释义 |
不守绳墨bù shǒu shéng mònot observe the usual conventions ❍ 鹗字铁云,江苏丹徒人,少精算学,能读书,而放旷~,后忽自悔,闭户岁余,乃行医于上海,旋又弃而学贾,尽丧其资。(鲁迅《中国小说史略》260) Liu Ngo or Liu Tieyun was native of Dantu in Jiangsu. He was a good mathematician as a youth,and well-read,but too much of a liberal to observe the usual con ventions. Later he regretted his display of eccentricity and stayed at home to study for more than a year,after which he became a physician in Shanghai. Then he gave up medicine and went into business,only to lose all his capital. |