释义 |
不好意思bù hǎo yì sībe abashed; be shy (of);be ashamed; be self-conscious; be (/feel) em barrassed; be ill at ease; be in embarrassment ❍ 此时宝玉要迎上去,又~。正想着,忽见碧痕来请洗脸,只得进去了。(《红楼梦》288) He was a little shy of addressing her at that particular moment and was still hesitating when Emerald came up and asked him to come in and wash. ❍ 她~地背过脸去。我趁空溜出小巷。(陶承《我的一家》62) She was ashamed and turned her face away. I seized the opportunity and slipped out for the house. ❍ 我真~,一个人还得再让人家讲一遍。(李准《不能走那条路》107) I was really embarrassed. The teacher had to repeat every lecture just for me. ❍ 写毕,看了一回,意欲拿来粘在壁上,又~,自己沉吟道:“不要被人看见笑话。” (《红楼梦》1180) This written,he read it through and was tempted to paste it on the wall but diffidently told himself,“I don’t want people seeing it to laugh at me.”/季交恕好像~,把他的感想明白告诉他们,抱着一种怀疑和不满的神气道: …… (李六如《六十年的变迁》Ⅰ—302) However,Jiaoshu felt reluctant to reveal all that was on his mind and only replied in a tone full of perplexity and discontent…/当我指给她看时,她却只草草一看,便低了头,似乎~了。(《鲁迅选集》上—140) …but when I pointed it out to her she only gave it a hasty glance,then hung her head as if in embarrassment. |