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单词 fruit
fruit/fru:t/ nvi [-ed,-ed/ ɪd/]

n (1) 水果(part of a plant that produces the seedesp when eaten as food) [CU]:four tropical/different summer~s 四种热带/不同的夏季水果;have some fresh/wonderful~s 有一些新鲜/上乘的水果;Tomato/Potato isn't a~. 西红柿/土豆并不是水果。eat much/get a lot of~吃许多/得到大量水果;a~bowl/flan一个水果盘/水果果酱饼;~juice/salad/cocktail/trees水果汁/色拉/鸡尾酒/果树;

(2) (蔬菜、谷、麻等的)产物(any plant product used as food) [C,通常pl]:all the~s of the earth大地的一切出产物;〖同〗produce;

(3) 收获,成果(gainresultsth gained as a result of hard worketc) [pl]:enjoy the~s of one's labours享受自己的劳动成果;the~s of prosperity/one's visits to China繁荣昌盛/多次访问中国所获的成果;rob sb of the~s of his toil抢劫某人辛苦劳动的收获;the~of long study/much patient research长期研究/大量耐心研究的成果;〖同〗result,product;

→′fruit-cake n 水果蛋糕;′fruit-fly n 果蝇;′fruit-knife n 水果刀;

vi 结果实(produce fruit) [I]:The apple trees~early/well/in late summer. 这些苹果树结果早/果实累累/晚夏结果实。

→′fruiterer n 水果商;′fruitful adj 有益的;多产的;富有成果的;′fruitfully adv 果实结得多地;富有成效地;′fruitfulness n 收获大,富有成效





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