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单词 不可胜数

不可胜数不可胜计bù kě shèng shǔ

a countless number of; a great many; be past counting;be too numerous to be counted; beyond compute;countless; incalculable; incomputable; innumerable;myriad; numberless;too many to count; out of count; out of number (s);without number (s)
❍ 当此时,楚兵数中人为聚者,~。(《史记·陈涉世家》1953)By this time a countless number of bands consisting of several thousand men each had been formed throughout Chu.
❍ 诸侯奉金玉狗马玩好,~。(《史记·魏其武安侯列传》) As for the dogs,horses,jewels and other articles of amusement and adornment presented to him by various nobles,these were past counting.
❍ 死于沟壑者,~。(《三国演义》 50) Enormous numbers fell by the road side and died in the ditches,…/夫秦失其政,陈涉首难,豪杰逢起,相与并争,~。(《史记·项羽本纪》338)❶When the rule of Qin plundered and Chen She led his revolt,local heroes and leaders arose like bees,struggling with each other for power in numbers too great to be counted.
❷When the Qin government abused its power and Chen She started a rebellion,the brave men who flocked to him were too many to count.
❍ 先后七奉使,所历凡三十余国,所取无名宝物不可胜计,……(鲁迅《中国小说史略》145) They went on seven expeditions to more than thirty countries and brought back innumerable rare and precious objects.
❍ 伏水火而死,有~也。(《墨子·兼爱下》) Those who perished in the flames and in water were numberless.

不可胜数bù kě shènɡ shǔ

形容数量非常之多,数都数不过来。countless, innumerable, a great many





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