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单词 不可思议

不可思议bù kě sī yì

as if by magic; beyond conception; defy (/beyond) one’s comprehension;eerie (/eery); enigmatic (al); fantastic; incom prehensible; inconceivable; incredible;like magic;magic (al); marvellous; miraculous; mysterious;mystic (al); non-understandable; no one would have dreamed; preternatural; spooky; strange; subtle;supernatural; uncanny; unearthly;unfathomable;unimaginable; unthinkable; very puzzling; weird
❍ 啊,宇宙你也恬淡起来了。真也奇怪,我现在的心境又起了一个~的变换。(郭沫若《屈原》140) Ah,universe,you have become tranquil,and strangely enough,my mind has undergone a curious change.
❍ 时时有大的声音送到众人的耳边,给他们带来一种恐怖的感觉,这是对于~的黑暗和庄严的松涛的恐怖。(巴金《家》160) The soughing of the pines somehow gave them a feeling of terror,a fear of the unfathomable darkness.
❍ 这几天里的经历,对于他太变幻了,太~了。(叶圣陶《倪焕之》398) The events of the past few days had seemed so unreal to him,so unthinkable.
❍ 真是佛法无边,令人~! (姚雪垠《李自成》 Ⅱ—770) The way of Buddha is indeed miraculous.
❍ 李七嫂每当说到 “干给你看看”,她的脸色是严肃的,隐隐透露出一种~的坚决。(萧军《八月的乡村》84) When she came to make that promise,Seventh Sister’s face would become grave,darkly shadowing a strength of resolution that no one would have dreamed existed there…



不可思议bù kě sī yì

无法想象或难以理解。unimaginable, unthinkable, as if like (by), magic, inconceivable





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