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单词 不可开交

不可开交bù kě kāi jiāo

❶打得不可开交 be locked in a fierce struggle
❍ 我们到达时,他们正~。When we arrived,they were locked in a fierce struggle./
❷忙得不可开交 be awfully (/terribly)busy; be heaped high with duties; be immersed in;be kept busy; be snowed under with work;be up to one’s eyes (/ears/neck /shoulders) in work; busy oneself in work;have many irons in the fire; have much on one’s hands; have one’s hands full (/tied for some time to come); not have a moment to spare(/that one can call one’s own)
❍ 于是,他每天送往迎来,催逼勒索,~,庄稼活全交给伙计们自己去安排着做,做得怎样,他也没时间管了; ……(《高玉宝》104) What with receiving such visitors and squeezing the vil lagers,he was kept so busy that he had no time to check up on his hired hands.
❸闹得不可开交 be in the thick of a row; keep up an ear-splitting clamour;the hubbub is at its height
❍ 正在~的时节,李主席打发民兵送了封信来,信套上清楚地写道:“邓秀梅同志亲启”,……(周立波《山乡巨变》274) Just as they were in the thick of a row,a militiaman sent by Chairman Li arrived with a letter clearly addressed,“Personal for Comrade Deng Xiumei,”/这么着,代表对代表,大家脸红脖子粗,~。(袁静《新儿女英雄传》202) Cadre against cadre,delegate against delegate,red in the face,cords standing out in their necks,the peasants kept up an ear-splitting clamour.
❍ 正~时,只见王红眼咧咧着三瓣嘴,迈着大步,从外面进来了。(《高玉宝》33) The hubbub was at its height when in strode the hamlet chief Red-Eye Wang,his hare-lip parted in a grin.
❹争得不可开交 be engaged in a heated argument; be locked in fierce scramble; be locked in rivalry with;get into a hot dispute;the dispute is at its hottest
❍ 正在~,忽然从人堆里钻出来两个民兵,朝那家伙就是两个耳光子,拿出小绳把他绑起来,拉到屯里。(曲波《林海雪原》354) Just as our argument was getting hot,two militiamen pushed through the crowd,grabbed the fellow,tied him up,and took him into town.
❍ ~了,一派突然摊牌,将自己用过的许多法宝搬出来……(《毛泽东选集》1389) When the dispute was at its hottest,one faction suddenly laid its cards on the table and revealed many of its treasured tricks of the past…

不可开交bù kě kāi jiāo

开:打开、解开;交:纠缠。无法解决或摆脱。have one’s hands full, unmanageable, be awfully busy





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