释义 |
不可一世不肯一世bù kě yī shìadopt a swashbuckling posture; all-powerful; arrogant; be on (/get on/mount/ride) the high horse; become overbearing; cannot be challenged; be (insufferably)arrogant; consider oneself unexcelled in the world(/a world above others/over and above the entire world/without equal in the world); haughty; high and mighty; hoity-toity;huff and puff; on the high ropes; swagger (/bluster) like anything (/a conquering hero) ❍ 但是我们不能因胜利而骄傲起来,觉得~,而忘掉了过去的经验教训。(周恩来《学习毛泽东》)But we must not be arrogant because of victory; we must not think that we are all-powerful and be oblivious to the lessons of the past. ❍ 那些被历史所抛弃的人物——叶赫那拉氏 (慈禧)、袁世凯、段琪瑞、张作霖等等在当时似乎是~的,…… (爱新觉罗·溥仪《我的前半生》563)The lady Yehonda,Yuan Shikai,Duan Qirui,Zhang Zuolin and all those other figures who were cast aside by history had seemed in their day to wield overwhelming power. ❍ 他骄傲,有了一点成功,就盛气凌人,~,企图压倒别人,不能平等地谦逊和气地待人。(刘少奇《论共产党员的修养》47)They are arrogant,and whenever they accomplish something they throw their weight about,become overbearing and try to domineer,and they do not treat others as equals in a modest and friendly way. ❍ 宋徽宗在位时,~,而被掳后偏会含垢忍辱。(《鲁迅选集》 Ⅲ—201) Emperor Hui of Song was a proud sovereign,but once a prisoner he submitted to every insult. ❍ 跟随着他的黎纪纲更是气势逼人,~。(罗广斌、杨益言《红岩》551) As for Li Jigang,who had arrived at the same time—he had acquired an air which could only be described as one of overbearing conceit. 不可一世extremely arrogant(or overbearing) 不可一世bù kě yī shì可:许可,赞许。没有赞许同时代的任何人。形容非常狂妄自大。consider oneself unexcelled in the world, be high and mighty, be on the high ropes(horse) |