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单词 不偏不倚

不偏不倚bù piān bù yǐ

avoid leaning to either side; assumea (n) (hypocritical) air of impartiality and justice; clinical (ly); detachment; (of a jud gement) equilibrium; even-handed; fair to all; have the cross-bench mind;hold the scales even; impartial and uncommitted; impartially; justice;neutral (ly);not leaning to either side (/to the left or the right);not throw one’s weight either way; smack-dab; take a middle-of-the-road position; unbiased; unpreju diced; with a fair field and no favour; without bias and without favour; without partiality
❍ 报纸的职责,贵在立论公正,~……(罗广斌、杨益言《红岩》324) The integrity of our profession rests upon the impartiality and fairness of our statements,…/这一句话,好象那生翅膀的玩皮孩子的一箭,~正射中金小姐的心窝。(叶圣陶《倪焕之》)198) This one sentence,like a shaft from the bow of that mischievous boy with wings,sped true and unswerving into Miss Jin’s heart.
❍ 文艺上的“第三种人”也一样,即使好像~罢,其实是总有些偏向的,…… (鲁迅《南腔北调集》101) It is the same with the third category in the arts. Though artists may look impartial and uncommitted,they always lean slightly to one side or the other.
❍ 在现今的世上,要有~的公论,本来是一种梦想; 即使是饭后的公评,酒后的宏议,也何尝不可姑妄听之呢。(鲁迅《华盖集续编》48)To expect unbiased,unprejudiced views in the world today is asking too much anyway,and it does no harm to listen to the “unbiased comments” after a meal and the fine talk after drinking.
❍ 凌翥翔点一下头,又补说这么几句~但是又不着边际的空话。(李六如《六十年的变迁》Ⅰ—122) Ling Zhuxiang nodded,then added an unprejudiced yet quite vague remark.


unbiased; evenhanded; impartial;without bias or favor; without leaning to either side
~的政策policy of evenhandedness

不偏不倚bù piān bù yǐ

倚:偏向。不偏向这一边,也不偏向那一边。impartial, even-handed, without bias or favour, take a middle-of-the-road position, avoid leaning to either side





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