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单词 不假思索

不假思索不加思索bù jiǎ sī suǒ

at the drop of the (—a) hat; have (sth) at one’s fingers’ends(—fingertips); impromptu; offhand; on the spur of the moment; readily; unhesitatingly unsought;without giving it much thought; without giving the matter any thought; without having to reflect upon it; without hesitation; without pausing (—stopping)to think; without reflection; without a moment’s thought; without thinking twice about it
❍ 他不加思索地连连拍打着门板,仄起耳朵一听,屋顶上有踏雪的声音。(梁斌《红旗谱》202) Without further thought he went on hammering at the door. Presently he heard the crunching of snow on the roof.
❍ 说的 “正人君子”们只能骗鸟,若问愚民,他就可以~地回答你: 公正的裁判是在阴间!(《鲁迅选集》上—266) In real life “upright gentlemen”can fool no one. And if you ask ignorant folk they will tell you without reflection:Fair judge ments are given in hell!/他不加思索地说: “同意,唔,同意。” (周而复《上海的早晨》 Ⅰ—270) He answered without thinking:“Yes,yes,I agree.”

不假思索假(加)bù jiǎ sī suǒ

假:依靠。不经过思考就作出反应。形容办事、应答迅速。without thinking, offhand, readily, without hesitation





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