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单词 不以为意

不以为意bù yǐ wéi yì

be indifferent to;(be) quite unconcerned; disregard; care nothing about; dismiss(all) anxiety from one’s thoughts; leave out of consideration; make light (/little) of; make(/think) nothing of; not give sth much thought;nonchalantly; not care (for); not care a pin (/rush/fig/straw); not care (/give)a curse for; not mind;not take sth seriously;not pay much attention to;think not much of
❍ 但是他至少已经给了我两三回警告,不过我仍然~,也没有转告别人。(鲁迅《且介亭杂文末编·死》 123) …but at least he warned me two or three times,though I never paid any attention and did not tell anyone./“糊里糊涂?”秦德贵~地笑道。(艾芜《百炼成钢》 26) “Muddle-headed?”Qin Degui repeated,quite unconcerned.
❍ 少数的薪水,仅能困苦地维持母子两人的生活; 对于这一层,他向来~,因为物质以外另有丰富的报酬。(叶圣陶《倪焕之》144) His meagre salary was barely enough to keep body and soul together for his mother and himself,but he had never given the matter much thought,because there were other rewards,richer than the material ones.
❍ 孔明曰: “曹操统百万之众,动以天子为名,吾亦~,岂惧周朗一小儿乎!”(《三国演义》462) Replied Kongming,“I care not for Cao Cao with his hundred legions and the Emperor in name at his back,and do you think I fear such a youngster as your ZhouYu? …”





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