释义 |
不亦乐乎bù yì lè hū❶be very pleased; give one great delight; ❷extremely;awfully; like anything ❍ 他当着楚王和南后面前,把南后恭维得无以复加,……把楚王和南后都说得~,而且他还中伤了你呢。(郭沫若《屈原》97) To their Majesties’faces he praised the queen very highly,…the king and queen were very pleased. He also slandered you. ❍ 现在都不讲文言了,不是讲“学而时习之,不亦说乎”,“有朋自远方来,~。”(《毛泽东选集》Ⅴ—448) We no longer speak literary Chinese exemplified by sayings like—“Great pleasure is derived from learning and constantly reviewing what has been learned” and “Welcoming friends from afar gives one great delight. ”/国王和那位秦国的什么丞相张仪便笑得~。(《沫若文集·屈原》284) The king and Zhang Yi,who is prime minister or something like that in the kingdom of Qin,laughed like anything…/有朋自远方来,~?(《论语·学而》)Is it not delightful to have friends coming from distant quarters? 不亦乐乎❶isn’t it a great pleasure? ❷extremely;awfully 有朋自远方来,~?Is it not a great pleasure to have friends coming from afar?/忙得~ terribly (or awfully)busy/累得~ be extremely tired from work/笑得~laugh heartily;burst into roars of laughter 不亦乐乎bù yì lè hū不也是很快乐的吗?现在也可表示“非常”的意思。awfully, extremely, terribly, like anything |