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单词 v out
v out
balloon out 象气球般鼓起,膨胀,鼓起来;突然增加
break out (战争、火灾、疾病等)突然发生,爆发;逃脱
bring out 带出来;显示出来,(使)表现出来,讲解清楚;出版,生产,提出
call out 大声叫唤;呼叫,召集
cancel out 抵消
carry out 搬运出去;实行,执行;完成,实现
check out 结账离去,办妥手续离去;查看
clear out 把…从某空间内部清除出去;清除,弄干净,把…腾空;走开,走掉,离开(有时和of连用)
cry out 大声呼喊
die out (家族、种族)灭绝,死绝;(习俗、做法、观念)完全消失,绝迹,废除
dine out 外出吃饭
drop out 离幵,退出(政府、党派、比赛等);退学,辍学
eat out 外出吃饭
fall out 落出去;脱落,掉下去;解散;发生,结果,发展;争吵,不合
figure out 想出,理解,明白;计算出
fill out 填写(表格等);长胖,丰满
find out 找出,查明,发现;发觉,识破,弄明白
get out 使…出来;离开,逃走;(消息等)传出去,泄露;拔出,取出;出版,生产
give out 提供出来;分发,散发;发表,公布;用完,耗尽;(机器等)失灵,停止工作,(人)体力不支;发出(光,声音等)
hand out 拿出,交出;散发,分发
hold out 伸出;维持,坚持下去;带来,抱有
hurry out 催促(某人)出去,撵出去
lay out 摆出,铺开,展开;安排,布置,设计
leave out 把…遗留在外面;遗漏,省略;把…排除在外,删掉
let out 让/使…出去;放走,释放,发出(声音);泄露(机密),透露
live out 不住校,走读,不在工作的地方住,住在外面;活过(某一段时间)
look out 向外看;注意,留神,当心,提防
make out 使…出来;看出,看清楚,识别,辨认出;理解,明白;写出,开出;假装,装出
miss out 漏掉,遗漏;失去机会,错过时机
miss out on 错失
pick out 挑出,选出;辨认出,分辨出
point out 指出
pour out 诉说,倾诉
pull out 往外拉;拔出,抽出,取出;(车、船等)驶出
put out 扑灭;出版,发布;伸出;生产,供应
read out 朗读,宣读
rule out 排除出去,把…排除在外
send out 发出,发送,派遣;发出(光亮等),长出(嫩芽等)
set out 使…出来;出发,起程;打算,着手(做某事);阐明,陈述;摆放,陈列
shout out 大声嚷叫
sort out 整理;弄清楚,处理,解决(问题等)
speak out 大声地说,大胆地说
spell out 拼出,讲清楚
spread out 伸开,张开,铺开,传开,散开;伸展,延伸
stand out 突出,明显,引人注目;杰出,出色
start out 出发,动身;开始(做某事)
stick out 伸出,突出;突出,显眼;坚持到底
try out 试用,试验;参加选拔
turn out 关掉,旋熄;结果是,证明是;制造,生产;出来,出席,培养
wear out 穿破,磨损,用坏;(使)疲乏,(使)厌倦,(使)耗尽
wipe out 擦去,除去;彻底摧毁,消灭
work out 算出;理解,弄懂;想出,制定出;解决;(情況等)发展…,进行…;锻炼;作用于


balloon out
His big stomach has always ballooned out between his T-shirt and trousers.他的大肚子总是在T恤衫和裤子之间膨胀起来。
break out
When World War I broke out, he seemed to have become another man, downhearted.第一次世界大战爆发后,他似乎变成了另一个人,垂头丧气。
bring out
Most of us can forgive each other when differences are brought out in the open.当分歧被公开时,我们大多数人都能原谅对方。
call out
Someone was beating against the door of the lift and calling out at the same time.有人一边拍打电梯门,一边大声呼叫。
cancel out
The stronger a reusable bag is, the longer its life and the more plastic-bag use it cancels out.可重复使用的袋子越结实,其使用寿命就越长,也就能抵消更多塑料袋的使用。
carry out
A study of English learning problems was carried out among a total of 106 foreign students.在106名外国学生中开展了一项关于英语学习问题的研究。As one group of workers carried out the rubbish, another group began removing seats and other theater equipment in preparation for the building’s end.在一组工人清理垃圾的同时,另一组工人开始拆除座椅和其他剧院设备,为建筑的完工做准备。
check out
He checked out and left the hotel.他退房离开了酒店。Check out sporting events, concerts and much more.查看体育赛事、音乐会和更多活动。
clear out
He took dogs and babies for walks, cleared out cupboards, and mended books.他带着狗和婴儿散步,清理橱柜,修补书籍。
cry out
When chimps (黑猩猩) find food that they love, such as bananas, it is natural for them to cry out.当黑猩猩(chimps)发现它们喜欢的食物时,如香蕉,它们会很自然地叫出来。
die out
As a result, many species are quickly dying out.因此,许多物种正在迅速灭绝。
dine out
She wants to dine out.她想外出就餐。Although the main attraction was the soup, Roze's chain shops also set a new standard for dining out, which helped to establish Roze as the inventor of the modern restaurant.虽然主要的吸引力在于汤,但Roze的连锁店也为外出就餐设定了新标准,帮助Roze成为现代餐厅的发明者。
drop out
We have to find a way to stop girls from dropping out sciences.我们必须想办法阻止女孩辍学。
eat out
Many Westerners who come to China cook much less than in their own countries once they realize how cheap it can be to eat out.许多来中国的西方人一旦意识到在外就餐是多么便宜,他们做饭的次数就比在自己国家少得多。
fall out
Why do teeth fall out, and why don’t they grow back in grown-ups?为什么牙齿会脱落,为什么成年人的牙齿不会再长出来?The man jumped up and grabbed the child just before he fell out.在孩子掉下来之前,那个男人跳起来抓住了他。
figure out
The underlined phrase ‘figure out’ in the text means work out.文中划线短语 "figure out "的意思是解决。You need to figure out what the problem is.您需要弄清楚问题出在哪里。This doesn't mean trying to figure out what's wrong with the other person.这并不意味着要找出对方的问题所在。But what I still can’t figure out is why I never got tired, never felt better in my life.但我仍然想不通的是,为什么我从来没有累过,从来没有感觉好过。
fill out
That you are given a form to fill out does not necessarily mean that you have to answer all the questions in it.给您一张表格让您填写并不意味着您必须回答其中的所有问题。
find out
Anyway, we would find out soon.无论如何,我们很快就会知道。Find out at the seaside when and where it is safe to swim.在海边了解何时何地游泳是安全的。Some have even compared this power to that of a dog with an ability to find out the drugs hidden in the baggage.有些人甚至把这种能力比作能找出藏在行李中的毒品的狗。
get out
Only two people got out--an old farmer with his dog, and a young woman.只有两个人逃了出来--一个带着狗的老农和一个年轻女人。“This is all your fault, Katharine,” my father would insist when the cat got out or the dishwasher broke.这都是你的错,凯瑟琳,当猫跑出来或洗碗机坏了时,我父亲会坚持这样说。
give out
The device, worn by drivers or pilots, gives out a sound about every four minutes during a car journey.司机或飞行员佩戴的这种装置在汽车行驶过程中大约每四分钟发出一次声音。
hand out
I handed out my resumes (简历) and went home feeling very satisfied.我递出简历,满意地回家了。Handing out sliced oranges to bloodthirsty kids can be as exciting as watching your own kid score a goal.向嗜血的孩子们分发桔子片就像看着自己的孩子进球一样令人兴奋。Shopkeepers in Modbury population 1,500, agreed to stop handing out disposable (一次性的) plastic bags to customers on Saturday.莫德伯里(Modbury)有1500名居民,这里的店主同意在周六停止向顾客发放一次性塑料袋。
hold out
I’d thought I could hold out till my dentist came back from holiday, but the pain was really unbearable.我本以为我可以坚持到我的牙医度假回来,但疼痛真的难以忍受。In addition, promising drugs hold out hope of better health and longer life.此外,有望改善健康状况和延长寿命的药物也给我带来了希望。
hurry out
I smiled in relief as the last of them hurried out the door.当最后一位牙医匆匆出门时,我露出了欣慰的笑容。
lay out
Such tools as laser beams and power planes help them lay out a house better.激光束和动力飞机等工具帮助他们更好地布置房屋。During the pioneering days, wet rice was laid out to dry along this road.在开荒时期,湿稻谷就在这条路上晾晒。
leave out
Applying my own rule, I determined to write them in alphabetical (字母的) order, never letting myself leave out a tough idea.我按照自己的规则,决定按字母的顺序来写,决不让自己遗漏一个艰难的想法。The fourth, the one who actually made the picture, was left out.第四个人,也就是真正制作这幅画的人,被排除在外。He didn’t say anything that was false, but he left out important information on purpose.他没有说任何假话,但他故意漏掉了重要信息。
let out
But in a previous experiment Professor Ryan found that the hormone (荷尔蒙) is also let out in our body during negative social interactions such as envy.但Ryan教授在之前的一项实验中发现,荷尔蒙也会在我们的身体中释放出来,在消极的社会交往中,比如嫉妒。
live out
Stories were like air to me and while other kids played ball or went to parties, I lived out adventures through the books I checked out from the library.故事对我来说就像空气,当其他孩子在玩球或参加聚会时,我却在图书馆借来的书中体验冒险。
look out
Looking out to the sea carefully, he saw a couple of kids in a rowboat were being pulled out to sea.他小心翼翼地眺望大海,看到几个孩子划着小船被拉出了海。
make out
His writing is so confusing that it’s difficult to make out _____it is he is trying to express.他的文字非常混乱,让人很难看出_____。
miss out
Without having a nature experience, kids can turn out just fine, but they are missing out a huge enrichment of their lives.没有大自然的经历,孩子们可能会变得很好,但他们却失去了丰富多彩的生活。
miss out on
She didn’t want her children to miss out on their roots.她不想让孩子们错过他们的根。But Moore was sick of missing out on candies.但摩尔却不想错过糖果。
pick out
Pick out two similar brands of a product—a name-brand butter and a generic (无商标产品), for example.例如,挑出两种类似品牌的产品--一种是名牌黄油,另一种是无商标产品。These people didn't do very well at picking out where sounds were coming from.这些人并不擅长辨别声音的来源。
point out
She’d tell me stories and point out the stars.她会给我讲故事、指星星。It does point out that many parents still limit electronic reading, mainly due to concerns about increased screen time.它确实指出,许多家长仍然限制电子阅读,主要是担心屏幕时间增加。Without the elevator (电梯), they point out, there could be no downtown skyscrapers or tall buildings, and city life as we know it would be impossible.他们指出,如果没有电梯,就不会有市中心的摩天大楼或高楼大厦,也就不可能有我们所知道的城市生活。
pour out
For example, one team carved a teapot with tea pouring out.例如,一个团队雕刻了一个茶壶,茶水从壶中倾泻而出。And sadness over Karl came pouring out into the ears of this stranger.卡尔的悲伤涌进了这个陌生人的耳朵。
pull out
I instructed the students to pull out their notebooks.我示意学生们拿出笔记本。But the way I see it, just by planting a few roses, you don’t necessarily need to pull out everything else.但在我看来,只要种上几朵玫瑰花,就不一定要把其他东西都拔出来。
put out
The cooling method is the most common way to put out a fire.冷却法是最常用的灭火方法。
read out
Think of a book your parents read out loud to you.想想你父母大声读给你听的一本书吧。
rule out
But the results don’t prove that TV is the cause and don't rule out that already poorly motivated youngsters (年轻人)may watch lots of TV.但结果并不能证明电视就是原因,也不排除本来就不太积极的年轻人(年轻人)可能会看很多电视。
send out
Each day, he’d send out an e-mail praising a team member for work related to global marketing.每天,他都会发送一封电子邮件,表扬团队成员在全球营销方面所做的工作。According to specialists, our bodies send out more messages than we realize.据专家称,我们的身体发出的信息比我们意识到的要多。
set out
Mark agreed and they set out to sea.马克同意了,于是他们出海了。The next morning he hired a boat and set out to find the well-known painter.第二天一早,他雇了一艘船,开始寻找这位知名画家。
shout out
Ad messages were shouted out in public places.广告信息在公共场所被大声喊出。
sort out
Perri admits that she can’t sort out all the mess in the households, even though she knows it drives her mother crazy.佩里承认,她无法整理家里的所有乱七八糟的东西,尽管她知道这让她母亲抓狂。By the time you found the bus station and got yourself sorted out, it took almost as long as the flight from Falongland.当您找到汽车站并整理好自己的行李时,所花的时间几乎和从法隆兰飞来的时间一样长。We were led to believe the ministry was sorting out this problem.我们以为政府部门正在解决这个问题。
speak out
I want to speak out and be as helpful as I can be.我想说出来,并尽我所能提供帮助。Hannah began to speak out about the homelessness in Manitoba and then in other provinces.Hannah开始谈论马尼托巴省以及其他省份的无家可归者问题。
spell out
For example, the first letters of “My elephant eats too many eels” spell out the hidden message “Meet me.”例如,"我的大象吃了太多的鳗鱼 "的第一个字母拼出了隐藏的信息 "来见我"。
spread out
For black tea, the young green leaves are first spread out on shelves to dry.红茶的制作方法是先将嫩绿的茶叶摊放在架子上晾干。Parents should encourage their child to spread out, but to leave it neat and orderly when he isn’t using his workspace.家长应鼓励孩子摊放,但在他不使用自己的工作区时要保持整齐有序。The day itself is on October 21, but since it has caught on, events now spread out over most of October around Britain.这一天本身是10月21日,但由于它已经流行起来,现在英国各地的活动遍及10月的大部分时间。
stand out
After countless interviews and presentations, I managed to stand out among the candidates and survive the test alone.经过无数次的面试和演讲,我终于在众多候选人中脱颖而出,单独通过了考试。A rethink is required—and as a new approach starts to become apparent, two ideas stand out.我们需要重新思考--当新的方法开始显现时,有两个想法脱颖而出。
start out
A usual way to see Helsinki for the first time is to start out by the boats.第一次游览赫尔辛基的通常方法是乘船。You may start out slow, but before long you're pretty quick.刚开始可能会比较慢,但不久就会变得很快。
stick out
There are small pieces of metal that stick out for you to stand on and hold on to.有一些小金属片伸出来,让你站在上面抓紧。I handed her my boots and stuck out my foot.我把靴子递给她,然后伸出脚。
try out
The purpose is to provide an opportunity to try out new ideas and to think through difficulties with fellow-learners.目的是提供一个尝试新想法的机会,并与其他学员一起思考如何克服困难。It began when a teacher suggested I try out for the basketball team.这是从一位老师建议我参加篮球队开始的。
turn out
I believe that my life will turn out all right, even though it will not be that easy.我相信我的生活会好起来的,尽管不会那么容易。Sometimes the “mountain lions” that people report seeing turn out to be large dogs or even house cats.有时人们说看到的 "山狮 "原来是大狗,甚至是家猫。How is it that siblings (兄弟姐妹) can turn out so differently?兄弟姐妹的命运为何如此不同?New technologies have made it possible to turn out new products faster and at a lower cost.新技术使我们能够以更快的速度和更低的成本生产新产品。But it turns out they are more popular with the older generation.但事实证明,它们更受老一代人的欢迎。And it turns out that, as Tolstoy has it, Napoleon is a crazy man.事实证明,正如托尔斯泰所说,拿破仑是个疯子。As it turned out, it wasn’t cancer.事实证明,这不是癌症。
wear out
Yet, our cells simply cannot continue to reproduce endlessly. They wear out, and as a result, we get old.然而,我们的细胞根本无法无休止地繁殖下去。它们会磨损,因此我们会变老。In our modern world, when something wears out, we throw it away and buy a new one.在我们的现代世界里,当一件东西磨损了,我们会把它扔掉,然后买一个新的。But robins (知更鸟) are in danger of wearing themselves out by singing too much.但是知更鸟却面临着因歌唱过多而磨损的危险。
wipe out
According to the Center for Biological Diversity, an ocean level rise of only 0.6 meters will send these guys jumping to higher ground and a 0.9-meter rise would wipe out their habitat (栖息地) completely.根据生物多样性中心(Center for Biological Diversity)的研究,海平面上升0.6米就会让这些家伙跳到更高的地方,而上升0.9米则会完全摧毁它们的栖息地。After a serious flu outbreak wipes out 99.4% of the world’s population, a battle unfolds between good and evil (邪恶) among those left.在一场严重的流感爆发导致全球99.4%的人口死亡后,一场善与恶的战争在剩下的人中展开。Measles (麻疹), which once killed 450 children each year and disabled even more, was nearly wiped out in the United States 14 years ago by the universal use of the MMR vaccine(疫苗).麻疹曾经每年造成450名儿童死亡,更多的儿童致残。14年前,麻疹疫苗在美国的普及几乎使麻疹绝迹。
work out
The faces of the desert mountains are always changing—very, very slowly—as these forces of nature continue to work on the rock.随着大自然的力量不断地作用于岩石,沙漠山脉的面貌一直在发生变化--非常非常缓慢。The headmaster of my school gave me a choice: stay in school or leave to work on my magazine.我学校的校长给了我一个选择:留在学校或者离开学校去做我的杂志。Work on language fluency while driving to work, exercising, or cooking—anytime and anywhere you want!在开车上班、锻炼身体或做饭时练习语言流畅性--随时随地!As you work on expressing your ideas in clear, accurate language, you will improve your ability to think clearly and accurately.当您努力用清晰、准确的语言表达您的想法时,您将提高您清晰、准确的思维能力。注意区分注意区分To become a successful fish scientist, you need to have a curious mind and be able to work on your own.要想成为一名成功的鱼类科学家,您需要有一颗好奇的心,并且能够独立工作。Today, many people still work on the land but more and more people are moving to the cities to work in factories and offices.今天,许多人仍然在土地上工作,但越来越多的人搬到城市的工厂和办公室工作。




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