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单词 上天无路,入地无门

上天无路,入地无门shàng tiān wú lù , rù dì wú mén

there is no road to heaven and no door into the earth—no way of escape; at bay; at the end of one’s resources; have nowhere to go; in a helpless state;in a tight spot (/corner); in desperate straits
❍ 倒结果了我一家老小,闪待我如今~,……(《水浒全传》422)As a result my whole family was executed,and I have nowhere to go!/我大军已经逼近,敌人已是~了。With our forces approaching,the enemy could find no way of escape.


there is neither road to heaven nor door into the earth—no way of escape; in deep water; cornered;in desperate straits

上天无路,入地无门shànɡ tiān wú lù, rù dì wú mén

比喻走投无路,陷入困境。at the end of one’s rope, in a tight corner, desperate





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