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单词 三纲五常

三纲五常sān gāng wǔ cháng

the three cardinalguides 〔ruler guides subject,father guides son,and husband guides wife〕and the five constant virtures〔benevolence,righteousness,propriety,wisdom and fidelity〕— principles of feudal moral conduct; the old ethical principles/《新民丛报》说,~的旧教育,把十几岁的青年,变为八十岁的老翁,同槁木死灰差不多,这些话对。(李六如《六十年的变迁》Ⅰ—58) The New People’s Journal is quite right in saying that education based on the old ethical principles has turned many a young man in his teens into the semblance of a lifeless,aged grandfather.
❍ 对她说来,所谓~、祖宗法制只能用来适应自己,决不能让它束缚自己。(爱新觉罗·溥仪《我的前半生》 7) From her point of view the principles of moral conduct and the ancestral code existed to suit her needs,and she was certainly not prepared to let them inhibit her.

三纲五常san gang wu chang

the three cardinal guides (ruler guides subject,father guides son,and husband guides wife) and the five constant virtues (benevolence,righteousness,propriety,wisdom and fidelity) as specified in the feudal ethical code


three cardinal guides (ruler guides subject,father guides son,and husband guides wife)and the five constant virtues (benevolence,righteousness,propriety,wisdom and fidelity)


three cardinal guides (ruler guides subject,father guides son and husband guides wife) and five constant virtues (benevolence,righteousness,propriety,wisdom and fide lity)—feudal ethical code(三纲指君为臣纲,父为子纲,夫为妻纲;五常传说不一,通常指仁、义、礼、智、信)





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