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单词 三番五次

三番五次sān fān wǔ cì

again and again; over and over again; repeatedly; many times; time aftertime; time and again
❍ 听从李主席劝告,刘雨生小心小意,~找谢庆元,和他细细密密地谈心,解释,劝他工作。(周立波《山乡巨变》265) Following Chairman Li’s advice,Liu Yusheng went to see Xie Qingyuan again and again,talking to him and explaining things carefully and patiently,and tried to persuade him to do his job.
❍ 并在他们跟前~地把刨冰捞油的功劳揽到自己身上; …… (草明《原动力》55) In their presence he would invariably take all the credit for breaking the ice and salvaging the oil,…/~,缠的老和尚急了,……(《儒林外史》 448) His persistence made the old monk lose patience.
❍ 这头一着,就得把老驾气得个要死,~大吵大闹,说要分家,菊咬还他个不理。(周立波《山乡巨变》65) He repeatedly made rows and said he would divide the property and live separately,but Gold-Biter paid no attention to him.
❍ 其他人虽然没有旺发爷爷这样执拗,却也是经过~的动员,才勉强同意了不参加的。(黎汝清《海岛女民兵》243) They hadn’t been as persistent as Granddad Wangfa but it took some persuading to get them to agree to our refusal.
❍ 鬼子、“中央军” ~扫荡他们,扫着他们一根毫毛了么? (知侠《铁道游击队》364) The Japanese and Kuomintang troops have tried to comb them out time after time,but you saw what happened to the Kuomintang troops at the lakeside.

三番五次sān fān wǔ cì

形容不止一次。again and again, time and again, repeatedly, over and over again





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