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单词 三心二意

三心二意sān xīn èr yì

be in (/of)two minds;change one’s mind all the time (/like a weather cook); fickle; half-hearted; many-minded;mer curial; moonish; mutable; neither off nor on; shilly-shally; versatile; wavering; waver and hestitate;s wishy-swashy
❍ 我说一是一,说二是二,做事从来不三心两意。(周立波《山乡巨变》165) When I say“one”I mean“one”,and when I say “two”I mean“two”. I’m never a person of two minds./“耶耶,你~,真没得面子,”雪春冲口责备她父亲。(周立波《山乡巨变》156) “Father,it’s really undignified,changing your mind all the time like this.” burst out Xuechun reproachfully.
❍ 干了吧! 别再~了。(知侠《铁道游击队》317) Come on!Come with us! Don’t dilly-dally!/八路军待我恩重如山,我要有~,让我死无葬身之地! (冯志《敌后武工队》314) The benevolence of the Eighth Route Army is loftier than a mountain. If ever I dishonour it may I die a miserable death.
❍ 如果你真正帮助打鬼子,那我们才是朋友。如果有什么~的话,那我们就用不着什么客气了! (知侠《铁道游击队》289) If you’re really on our side,we’ll be friends,but if you attempt any double dealing,you know what to expect!/它比小人书更能培养我当机立断的能力,使我不再~…… (金敬迈《欧阳海之歌》124) It is much better than story books for developing my power of judgement and keeping my attention from wandering.…


be of two minds;shillyshally;half-heartedly


waver and hesitate;be of two minds;be half-hearted (or indecisive);shilly-shally不要~,该拿定主意了。Stop shilly-shallying and make up your mind./为人民服务,决不能~。We must not serve the people halfheartedly./我做事从来不~。I’m not a person of two minds.

三心二意sān xīn èr yì

心:心思、想法;意:意见。又想这样,又想那样,犹豫不决。形容意志不坚定,心思不专一。half-hearted, be in two minds, change one’s minds constantly





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