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单词 三年五载

三年五载sān nián wǔ zài

a few years; four or five years
❍ 小红道:“也犯不着气他们。俗语说的: ‘千里搭长棚——没有个不散的筵席。’ 谁守一辈子呢?不过~,各人干各人的去了:那时谁还管谁呢?”(《红楼梦》302)❶“It’s hardly worth being angry with them,”retorted Xiaohong. “The proverb says’even the longest feast must break up at last.’Who’s going to stay here for life?A few more years and we’ll all go out different ways. When that time comes who will worry about anyone else? ”
❷“I don’t see much point in getting angry,”said Crimson. “Even the longest party must have an end. Well,none of us is here for ever,you know. Another four or five years from now whenwe’ve each gone our different ways it won’t matter any longer what all the rest of us are doing.”

三年五载sān nián wǔ zǎi

载:年。形容许多年。in a few years, four of five years, many years





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更新时间:2025/3/3 6:10:28