释义 |
三六九等sān liù jiǔ děngvarious grades and ranks ❍ 天天在一处,谁的恩你们不沾?只不过这会子输了几两银子,你们就这么~儿的了! (《红楼梦》979) We’ve been together all these days and you’ve had favours from us all,but now as soon as I lose a few taels of silver you start cold-shouldering me. ❍ 你不要把工作分成~,不管干什么都是为了社会主义建设。You should not regard different kinds of work as indications of rank or grade. Whatever we do is for our socialist construction, 三六九等san liu jiu dengof all grades and ranks 三六九等❶of all grades and ranks ❷coldshoulder sb 把人分成~divide people into different grades and ranks 三六九等dān liù jiǔ děnɡ指把人分成各种等级和许多差别。比喻人和人之间差别大,等级不同。various grades and ranks, all kinds of |