释义 |
万无一失百无一失wàn wú yī shīa dead cinch (/certainty); absolutely certain; all is in order;all will be well; be in the bag; be on the safe side; cannot fail under any circumstances;cannot possibly go wrong; no danger of anything going wrong; no risk at all; no untoward event will happen;nothing will go wrong; perfectly safe; surefire ❍ 他觉得~了,便十分肯定地说:“你放心吧,小队长,一切都好,保证没错!” (冯志《敌后武工队》150)All was in order,and he said with full confidence: “Don’t worry. Everything’s all right,I’m sure of it! ”/军师言,“诸葛亦去,~。……” (鲁迅《中国小说史略》105)Zhuge Liang said,“I will go with him. All will be well.…”/赵某却有个道理,教提辖~,足可安身避难,只怕提辖不肯。(《水浒全传》47) Now I have a way,and I can keep you from any danger,and surely I can make your person safe and at peace I only fear you,my captain,will not be willing. ❍ 住在这里只要不暴露,真是~的保险地; …… (冯志《敌后武工队》83) As long as the work team did not expose itself there was no danger. ❍ 臣又留关兴、张苍等分两军为救应,保陛下~。(《三国演义》743) I shall also leave Guan and Zhang with orders to reinforce any point where danger may appear. I can assure Your Majesty that no untoward event will happen. ❍ 那个旅长说: “如刘军长有同舟共济的精神,率领他的五个半旅尾刘子奇向我们靠拢,则~。……” (杜鹏程《保卫延安》) 476) “If General Liu Kan Only realized that we’re all in the same boat and also rushed up here with his five and a half brigades,nothing would be lost,”said the brigadier. ❍ 跟着他,没有错,遇事~! (知侠《铁道游击队》102) Follow him and nothing will go wrong!/不要紧,孩子! 大伯保着你们的镖,~。(梁斌《红旗谱》303) Don’t you worry,my boy! I’ll act as your bodyguard. You’ll be safe withme. 万无一失have every chance of success;not the least danger of anything going wrong;run no risk at all;be perfectly safe;foolproof 这个方法完全管用,每次都~。This recipe is foolproof—it’s perfect every time. 万无一失wàn wú yī shī失:失误,差错。形容绝对有把握,不会出差错。surefire, a sure success, absolutely certain, be on the safe side |