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单词 万寿无疆

万寿无疆wàn shòu wú jiāng

a long long life; live forever; long live; many happy returns of the day to eternity
❍ 奴婢已叫都人刘清芬去英华殿称臣赏赐。陈顺娟叩头谢恩,祝颂娘娘陛下洪福齐天,~。(姚雪垠《李自成》 Ⅱ—745) I told another maid,Liu Qingfen,to convey this news and the reward to her,for which the maid kowtowed her gratitude and wished your Majesty everlasting fortune and a long life.
❍ 于公先王,君曰卜尔:“~。”(《诗经·小雅·天保》) The old duke and king |Whose words to you we bring: “|Forever live. ”/南山有桑,北山有杨。乐只君子,邦家之光。乐只君子,~。(《诗经·小雅·南山有台》)On southern hills are mulberry trees,on northern willows grow.|Your presence here,my noble guests,makes my joy overflow. |Your virtue’s rays through all my regions shine; |Myriads of years be yours in boundless line.
❍ 食具是绘着龙纹和写着 “~” 字样的明黄色的瓷器,……(爱新觉罗·溥仪《我的前半生》50)All the crockery was imperial yellow porcelain with dragon designs and the words“the thousand long lives without limit”painted on it.
❍ 朋酒斯飨,日杀羔羊。跻彼公堂,称彼兕觥,~!(郭沫若《李白与杜甫》185) Good wine,in two vessels kept,they take.|“We will kill lambs for the feast,”they say.|“And to the country school quickly we go,|“And the cup of rhinoceros’ horn we raise,|“Andwish each other long life,a long,long life.”

万寿无疆wan shou wu jiang

infi nitely long life


(with somebody)a long life

万寿无疆wàn shòu wú jiānɡ

疆:界限。祝寿语。永远活在世上。a long life, live forever, long live





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