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单词 万古长青

万古长青wàn gǔ cháng qīng

evergreen; everlasting; ever-living;flourish (/last) for ever; go down in history; keep sb’s memory green; live for centuries;live long; remain fresh (/green) forever
❍ 他那忠于党、忠于人民,为争取中国人民解放事业和共产主义事业的胜利,英勇斗争,鞠躬尽瘁,无私地献出自己一切的光辉形象,永远活在我们的心中,就象梅园新村三十号庭院里那两棵高耸入云的翠柏,世世代代,~! (《敬爱的周总理我们永远怀念您》Ⅲ—101) The glorious image of this loyal son of the Party and the People,who fought tenaciously and selflessly his whole life for the Chinese people’s liberation and the cause of communism,will live on in our hearts just like the two towering cypress trees in the courtyard of No.30Meiyuan New Village,evergreen from generation to generation.
❍ 等到胜利了,我们一定要请朝鲜同志到中国去作客,那时候,我们再来一同干杯,祝我们之间用鲜血结成的友谊~! (杨佩瑾《剑》309) When we have won this war,we shall certainly invite our heroic Korean comrades to our country; then we shall drink again to our everlasting friendship sealed with blood.
❍ 共产主义事业是人类历史上最光辉的事业! 她是~的,是永远芬芳的!(杨植霖《王若飞在狱中》35) Communism is the most splendid cause mankind ever had! It will be green and fregrant for ever!

万古长青wan gu chang qing

remain fresh forever


remain fresh forever;be everlasting
祝我们两国人民友谊~。May the friendship between our two peoples last forever(or remain evergreen).

万古长青wàn ɡǔ chánɡ qīnɡ

比喻人的崇高精神或深厚友谊永远存在,不会衰退和消失。be everlasting, flourish forever, last forever





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更新时间:2025/3/3 6:11:56