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(六加一后所得) seven: 第 ~ seventh; 第十 ~ seventeenth; ~ 年 septennate; seven years; 乱 ~ 八糟 at sixes and sevens; in a mess; 十 ~ seventeen Ⅱ ❶ (旧 时人死后每隔七天祭一次, 直到四十九天为止, 共分七个“七”) a seventh day after death, when sacrifice is offered until seven times seven days (forty-ninth) is over : 三 ~ the third seventh; 头 ~ the first seventh
❷ [书] (西方) the west
❸(姓氏) a surname: ~ 希贤 Qi Xixian 注意: “七”字在第四声 (去声) 字前念第二声 (阳平), 如“七月” [qí yuè]; “七位” [qí wèi]。
◆七胞胎 septuplet; 七边形 {数} heptagon; septilateral; 七长八短 be of uneven size [length]; 七重奏 (instrumental) septet(te); 七高八低 bumpy and rough; uneven (in height); 七横八竖 at sixes and sevens; 七环糖 septanose (氧); 七极管 {电} heptode; pentagrid; pentagrid tube; 七级风 force 7 wind; moderate gale; near gale; 七角形 heptagon; septangle; 七进制 {数} septenary; septinary; 七绝 a four-line poem with seven characters to a line and a strict tonal pattern and rhyme scheme; 七老八十 in one's seventies and eighties; 七楞八瓣 of most uneven size and formation; 七零八落 all a hideous mess; in a state of confusion; in disorder; scattered here and there; scattered about in all directions; 七律 an eight-line poem with seven characters to a line and a strict tonal pattern and rhyme scheme; 七扭八歪 crooked; in a state of great disorder; irregular; uneven; 七拼八凑 piece together; a patchwork without pattern or order; knock together; rig up; scrape together; 七七事变 the July 7 Incident of 1937; 七巧板 seven-piece puzzle; tangram; 七窍 the seven apertures in the human head, i.e. eyes, ears, nostrils and mouth; 七窍生烟 fulminate with anger; blow a fuse; blow a gas jet; foam with rage; fume with anger; Smoke comes out of one's seven orifices.; The smoke of one's anger came out of one's nostrils.; 七情 the seven human emotions (i.e. joy, anger, sorrow, fear, love, hate and desire); {中医} the seven emotional factors (i.e. joy, anger, melancholy,brooding, sorrow, fear and shock, considered to be the internal factors causing diseases); 七情六欲 the seven emotions and six sensory pleasures; 七上八下 (His heart seemed to him) like a well in which seven buckets are drawn up and eight dropped down — an unsettled state of mind.; be agitated [excited; perturbed]; in a mental flurry of indecision; 七十二变 countless changes of tactics; seventy-two metamorphoses; 七十二行 all sorts of occupations; in every conceivable line of work; 七手八脚 “ seven hands and eight feet” — great hurry and bustle; all flurry and confusion; hurriedly; with seven hands and eight feet; in a bustle; serve hand and foot; too many cooks; with a lot of people lending a hand; with everybody lending a hand; 七夕 the seventh evening of the seventh moon; 七弦琴 heptachord; 七言诗 a poem with seven characters to a line; 七一 July 1, anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China (1921); 七月 July; the seventh month of the lunar year; the seventh moon; 七嘴八舌 “ with seven mouths and eight tongues” — clash of opinions; all sorts of gossip; all talking at once; all talking in confusion; lively discussion with everybody trying to get a word in; Many men, many minds.





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