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单词 一马当先

一马当先yī mǎ dāng xiān

gallop at the head;act the bell-wether; at the head of the men; be in the forefront; be in the van of others; immediately stepped forward; in the lead; ride the fore-horse;take the lead
❍ 他立刻带着人马向西北角冲去,随即看见一支人马杀到,刘宗敏~,一双大刀在黄昏的烟霭与飞尘中闪着白光,所向无敌。(姚雪垠《李自成》210)The prince led his force that way. Almost immediately Liu Zongmin at the head of his men raced towards him.Liu’s two swords flashed in the gathering dusk,putting government troops to flight.
❍ 秋丝瓜赶起牛跑了,她~去追牛,给追回了。(周立波《山乡巨变》250)When Autumn Loofah-Gourd went off with his bull she was the first to give chase and get it back.
❍ 有万的绝对公正、嫉恶如仇、见公共事~,使得生宝感到互助组有这个人,搞生产的信心更强了。(柳青《创业史》139) Youwan’s absolute fairness,his abhorrence of evil,the way he immediately stepped forward when public interests were involved—these made Shengbao very happy to have him on his mutual-aid team and increased his confidence that the team would bring in a bumper harvest.
❍ 李自成看见敌人增加了援军,士气复振,就赶快把人马整顿一下,由他~,继续猛冲猛攻。(姚雪垠《李自成》Ⅰ—163) When Li Zicheng saw the reinforcements’ arrival and the enemy’s renewed attack,he quickly regrouped his forces and launched a fierce onslaught,leading the charge himself.

一马当先yī mǎ dānɡ xiān

原指作战时策马冲在前面。比喻走在前面,起带头作用。take the lead, in the lead, lead the way, be foremost in the fight





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