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单词 一蹴而就

一蹴而就yī cù ér jiù

accomplish one’s aim at one stroke (/in one move); do sth at a heat; get results overnight; make the goat in one shot; reach the goal in one step (/leap); strike off; succeed at the first go-off (attempt/trial)
❍ 共产主义事业,真如我们所说的是“百年大业”,是决不能 “~” 的。(刘少奇《论共产党员的修养》33) The cause of communism is indeed a “hundred years’task”,as the saying goes,and it definitely cannot be “accomplished at one stroke”./为了解决这些问题,必须依靠经验的积累和实践的考验,不可能~。To solve these problems,we must rely on the accumulation of experience and the test of practice; we cannot expect results overnight.


reach the goal in one step;reach one’s goal overnight; accomplish one’s aim in one move (or by one single effort)
在中国这样一个幅员广大的国家里,要实现四个现代化,不能~。Modernization of a vast country like China cannot be done at one go./中国包括人权在内的各项事业不可能~。China cannot reach its goal in human rights and other fields of endeavors overnight./既无法~,更不能一劳永逸。It cannot be accomplished overnight or in one go,and one mustn’t expect any permanent fix.

一蹴而就yī cù ér jiù

蹴:踏;就 :成功。踏一步就可以成功。形容轻而易举。accomplish in one move, make the goal in one shot, expect results overnight





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