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单词 一路平安

一路平安yī lù píng ān

have a good (/pleasant/safe) journey (/trip); have a bon voyage
❍ 匪徒的骑兵贪馋地尽量加快着他的速度,想吞吃他前面这一支人疲弹尽的小部队。哪怕吞不了,即便打散了也好给自己“保太平”,也可以捞个 “~”。(曲波《林海雪原》501) The bandit cavalry was eager to push ahead at full speed,to wipe out the tired detachment that was short of ammunition. Even if they couldn’t destroy the PLA unit completely,at least they could force it to scatter.That would give the brigands an undisturbed road to safety.
❍ 他像来时候那样恭敬地向我祝贺~,行了礼,……(爱新觉罗·溥仪《我的前半生》281) He wished me safe voyage and bowed to me as politely as before.

一路平安yī lù pínɡ ān

祝福语。祝愿在整个行程中顺利、平平安安。Have a good trip! have a pleasant journey, Bon voyage.





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