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单词 一败涂地

一败涂地yī bài tú dì

be completely (/utterly)destroyed (/routed/ruined/wiped out/defeated);be done to the wide (/world); be put to rout; be reduced to ruin; bite (/lick) the dust (/ground);come (/get) a (big) cropper; fail abysmally (/completely); hunt grass; meet with utter defeat;suffer a complete fiasco (/loss/debacle); sustain a crushing (/an overwhelming/a total) defeat
❍ 往后子孙遇见不得意的事,还是点儿底子,不到~。(《红楼梦》1203) Then in future,if things go badly for our descendants,they’ll have something to fall back on and won’t be bankrupted.
❍ 啊啊! 可恨呀,可恨! 可恨我~! (郭沫若《女神·女神之再生》10) Oh shame! Oh,horror! I am utterly defeated.
❍ 贾政听着,虽不理他,但是心里刀搅一般,便道:“完了,完了!不料我们一败涂地如此!” (曹雪芹、高鹗《红楼梦》1357) Although Jia Zheng tried to ignore this,he felt as if a knife had been plunged in his heart. “We’re done for,done for! ”he sighed.“To think that we should be reduced to this! ”/结果吴佩孚~,我也在紫禁城坐不住,被冯玉祥的国民军赶了出来。(爱新觉罗·溥仪《我的前半生》120) This led to Wu’s total defeat and I was driven out of the Forbidden City by the National Army of Feng Yuxiang.
❍ 必须先从家里自杀自灭起来,才能~呢! (《红楼梦》965) We must start killing each other first before our family can be completely destroyed.
❍ 然而他们究竟是聪明人,看过“满床满桌满地”的德文书的,即刻又悟到我单是抛了官,还不至于~,因为我还可以得欠薪,在北京生活。(鲁迅《华盖集续编》139) But since they were clever men after all,who had read German books “which covered the bed,the tables and the floor,” they realized at once that just the loss of my post would not ruin me completely,because I could still draw back-pay and go on living in Beijing.


overwhelming defeat;complete debacle;total loss


fail completely;fall tothe ground;suffer a crushing defeat;be wiped out;have sb on the ropes;be routed
我把他打得~。I had him on the ropes.(源于拳击运动,如被对手重击,就可能会倒在场边绳子上)

一败涂地yī bài tú dì

一:一旦;涂地:肝脑涂地。一旦失败就肝脑涂地。形容失败到不可收拾的地步。hunt grass, suffer a crushing defeat, bite the dust, utter failure, meet one’s waterloo, be a dead failure





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