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单词 一言难尽

一言难尽yī yán nán jìn

it’s hard (/difficult)to explain (/say/express) in a word (/in a few words); it is a long story; it is difficult to put it in a nutshell
❍ 李固答道: “主人且休间,端的~! …” (《水浒全传》778) Li Gu answered,“Master,I pray you do not ask,for assuredly it cannot be told in a word…”/~! 首先就遇着李国瑞抗旨不出,别的皇亲谁肯出钱? (姚雪垠《李自成》 Ⅱ—724) Yes,but it is a long story,Li Guorui was asked first,but he refused and so naturally the others won’t volunteer.
❍ 说来话长,其中底细,~: ……(《红楼梦》1052)It would take too long to tell yov that in full.
❍ 宋江道: “~。……” (《水浒全传》612) Song Jiang answered,“It is difficult to tell of it all in a word.…”/那妇人道:“~!……”(《水浒全传》281) That woman said,“It is hard to explain this in one word. ”


cannot explain the matter in a few words;It is a long story

一言难尽yī yán nán jìn

一句话不能把情况都说完。It’s a long story not to be told in one sentence. it is a long story, it is hard to press in a word





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更新时间:2025/3/14 19:35:41