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单词 一言以蔽之

一言以蔽之一言蔽之yī yán yǐ bì zhī

all may be embraced in one sentence; all can be put in a few words (/in a nutshell/in one word/in one phrase);to sum up in a word; in short (/brief)
❍ 诗三百,~,曰: “思无邪。”(《论语·为政》) In the book of poetry are three hundred pieces,but the design of them all may be embraced in one sentence—— ‘Having no depraved thoughts.’/~: “党同伐异”而已矣。(《鲁迅选集》Ⅱ—57) In brief,we should befriend our own kind and attack our enemies.
❍ 从中层以上社会至国民党右派,无不~曰:“糟得很”。(《毛泽东选集》15) From the middle social strata upwards to the Kuomintang right wingers,there was not a single person who did not sum up the whole business in the phrase,“It’s ter rible!”

一言以蔽之yi yan yi bi zhi

to sum up in a word


to sum up in a word;in short

一言以蔽之yī yán yǐ bì zhī

蔽:概括。用一句话来概括它。sum up in a word, sumit up, in short, make a long story short





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