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单词 一言为定

一言为定yī yán wéi dìng

count it as settled; it’s agreed; it’s (/that’s) a whack; that’s a bargain;that’s a promise; that’s settled then
❍ 贾琏笑道: “你我~。只是我信不过二弟,你是萍踪浪迹,倘然去了不来,岂不误了人家一辈子的大事?……(《红楼梦>860) “We’re both men of our word,“replied Jia Lian. “But you’re such a rolling stone always on the move,I don’t like leaving it undecided. If you drift away now and don’t come back,what’s to become of her? …”/今日~,出自二位本心;老汉只图吃几杯见成喜酒,不用谢媒。(鲁迅《中国小说史略171)You’ve given your word today and both of you are willing.All I’m hoping for is to drink some wine at the wedding: I don’t expect any other thanks.
❍ ~,你在这上打一个手印。(周立波《暴风骤雨》291) I’ll take your word for it. Put your finger-print on this.
❍ 我若完成了,可得每次让我打头阵! ~。(曲波《林海雪原》487) And if I succeed,you’ll let me lead it every time. That’s a promise.
❍ ~啦! (老舍《茶馆》35) That’s settled,then!/好汉子说话~! (梁斌《红旗谱》377) Stout fellows keep their word.
❍ 如今~,择个好日,就带小儿来过继便了。(《儒林外史》300) Now you have only to say the word and I will choose an auspicious day and bring my son over.
❍ ~。我们欢迎你的好向导! (罗广斌、杨益言《红岩》507) Then it’s agreed.We welcome your excellent guide,…


that’s settled then;keep one’s word;agreed;it’s a deal

一言为定yī yán wéi dìnɡ

一句话说定了,就不再反悔或更改。That’s settled then, That’s a bargain. It’s a whack.





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