释义 |
一视同仁yī shì tóng rénconsider (/regard) all as equal; give equal (/the same) treatment to all;not make chalk of one and cheese of the other; treatequally (/all alike) without discrimination; what is sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander ❍ 假使真有一位~的造物主,高高在上,那么,对于人类的这些小聪明,也许倒以为多事,……(鲁迅《朝花夕拾》9)If there really is a Creator above who considers all creatures as equal,he may think these clever tricks of man rather uncalled for,…/周总理对各国来访的朋友,不论其国家大小,都是~。(《敬爱的周总理我们永远怀念您》1—174) Premier Zhou gave equal treatment to visitors from various countries,large and small. ❍ 他一再强调对归侨要“~”,并且满腔热情地从政治上给予关怀。(《敬爱的周总理我们永远怀念您》Ⅰ—237) He emphasized again and again that there must be no discrimination against returnees. Full of warmth,he showed political concern for us. ❍ 要是对“落水狗”和“落水人”独独~,实在未免太偏,太早,…… (鲁迅《坟·论“费厄泼赖” 应该缓行》) It would be quite unrealistic and premature to treat dogs in the water and men in the water as the same. 一视同仁treat as equals;treat equally without discrimination;omnibus idem[拉](the same to all men) 无论国家大小贫富强弱,~treat all countries,whether big or small,rich or poor,strong or weak,as equals 一视同仁yī shì tónɡ rén原指圣人对普通百姓一样看待,同施仁爱。现表示对人不分厚薄,一样对待。treat equally without discrimination, give equal treatment to all, regard all as equals, be no respecter of persons |