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单词 一落千丈

一落千丈yī luò qiān zhàng

drop a thousand zhang in one fall—suffer a drastic (/disastrous/ruinous/calamitous) fall (/decline); have a great (/precipitate/terrific) drop; fall off to beat the band;go to the dogs; plummet; nose-dive; sink into obscurity overnight
❍ 从此以后,第一军的元气完全丧失,战斗力~了。(《周恩来选集》上—121) After that the First Army was thoroughly demoralized and its combat capabilities were drastically weakened.
❍ 哎!中国工业真是~,这半年来!(茅盾《子夜》494)Yes,Chineseindustry’s been going to the dogs for the past six months!/成功固然好,一旦不中,你的盛名就要~,很不值得。(田汉《关汉卿》36) If your new play is successful,so much the better. If not,you’ll sink into obscurity overnight. It won’t pay,I tell you.
❍ 此消息已传布市面,明日行市定当~。(曹禺《日出》) This information has already got round,and prices are bound to make a sudden steep plunge tomorrow.

一落千丈yī luò qiān zhànɡ

原指琴声突然降低;现多形容地位、景况、情绪等急剧下降。suffer a disastrous decline, sink drastically, take a nose-dive, drastically declining





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