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单词 一臂之力

一臂之力一臂之助;助一臂之力yī bì zhī lì

a helping hand; be of service to; bear a hand to sb;do all one can to help; come (/go) to sb’s aid; give(/offer) sb a helping hand; give sb a leg up; lend sb an arm (/hand)
❍ 高夫人因为巴不得邢氏能够在这些事情上助丈夫~,所以待她很好,从来不多管她。(姚雪垠《李自成》Ⅰ—256) Kao Guiying also treated her very well,hoping she could be of service to her husband,and gave her a free hand.
❍ 他紧握江涛的手说:“你有困难,傻哥哥助你~!”(梁斌《红旗谱》377) He gripped Jiangtao’s hand. “If you’re in trouble,I’ll do all I can to help. ”/单四嫂子在这时候,虽然很希望降下一员天将,助他~,却不愿是阿五。(鲁迅《呐喊·明天》40) Though Fourth Shan’s wife had been longing for an angel to come to her rescue,she had not wanted her champion to be Awu.
❍ 幸好徐鹏飞答应愿助~,才使他心里稍微踏实了些;……(罗广斌、杨益言《红岩》314)Luckily Xu Pengfei had promised to lend a hand,which quieted his misgiyings to a certain extent.
❍ 望孔明助~,同破曹贼。(《三国演义》386) But I trust you will lend an arm and we will smite Cao Cao together.

一臂之力yi bi zhi li

helping hand


a helping hand

一臂之力yī bì zhī lì

臂:胳膊。一只胳膊的力量。比喻从旁协助帮忙。a helping hand, help out, a hand’s turn





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