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单词 一网打尽

一网打尽yī wǎng dǎ jìn

all are captured (/trapped/bagged/rounded up) at once; capture (/take) all at (/with) one haul of the dragnet; catch the whole lot in a dragnet; round up the whole gang at one fell swoop; make a clean sweep of all
❍ 真是神通广大,这一仗打的真妙,好比八月里照螃蟹,照到了湾边上,~。(曲波《林海雪原》314) A very shrewd campaign,this. It was like shining a lantern at the water’s edge in August. The crabs come to the light and you bag them all.
❍ 即便一个组损失了,还有好几个组,不至于叫敌人~。(徐光耀《平原烈火》84) Even if we lost a small unit,we’d still have several left. It would be better than having the enemy bag us all in one swoop.
❍ 名册在手里,还不~它? ((李六如《六十年的变迁》Ⅰ—250) Now,with the list in your hand,why don’t you hurry things along and see that they are all rounded up!/自六日起十四日止,所有的皖南国民党军队果然将该部新四军实行“~”,……(《毛泽东选集》877)From January 6 to 14,the Kuomintang troops in Southern Anhui really succeeded in “catching”that contigent of the New Fourth Army“ by a dragnet”,…/今天,也正是今天,全牡丹江地区所有的部队,公安武装和民兵,一齐出动,给他个~。(曲波《林海雪原》551)Today,this very day,every army unit,security detachment and people’s militia in the Peony River region is taking united action—we’re closing the ret on the whole crew.
❍ 等和我们的人接上头,你们后面跟上来的人,就可以不费吹灰之力地来一个~,是吧? (《冯志《敌后武工队》395) We establish contact,then your men close in and without much effort drop the net on our whole organization. Right?/还说什么要把我们~,…… (曲波《林海雪原》452) They said they’re going to get us all in one scoop of the net,…/后来二舅嗔着他,说他不该~。(《红楼梦》1309)Later,your second uncle bawled him out for grabbing the whole lot./ 那就可以~。(茅盾《子夜》424) I think we’ll be able to net the whole bunch of them this time.
❍ 黎元洪那个家伙更坏啦! 文学社不会~吧? (李六如《六十年的变迁》 Ⅰ-190) Li Yuanhong…was a far more wicked man.Would the entire Literary Society be wiped out this time?


catch the whole lot in a dragnet;net the whole lot;round up the whole gang at one fell swoop;make a clean sweep

一网打尽yī wǎnɡ dǎ jìn

比喻全部抓住或消灭。catch the whole lot in a drag net, net the whole of, capture all at once





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