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单词 一竿子插到底

一竿子插到底yī gān zi chā dào dǐ

carry a task(/directive) right down to the grass-roots level;carry through; go straight to the point; penetrating
❍ 魏强深深知道赵庆田干什么事都是认真仔细的,即便在危急紧迫的时候,也是一竿子扎到底的手。(冯志《敌后武工队》150) Wei Qiang knew very well that whatever Zhao did he did conscientiously and carefully,and even at a critical moment he would carry through.
❍ 他怕周大拿继续罗嗦,索性给他来个一竿子扎到底:……(冯志《敌后武工队》252) Then,in case Zhou might still be daydreaming,he decided to go straight to the point.
❍ 元娃妈说出这句~的话,用意是拦头截住老八,把他没出口的话窝回去,免得他真提出要到亚来这一组,给亚来添麻烦。(王汶石《风雪之夜》194) These penetrating remarks were calculated to disconcert Iron Bull so that he would not be able to say what was in his mind,without seeming to want to make trouble for Yalai.





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