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单词 一盘散沙

一盘散沙yī pán sǎn shā

a sheet (/tray) of loose sand—a state of disunity; disunited; lack the spirit of cooperation
❍ 因为我们说着古代的话,说着大家不明白,不听见的话,已经弄得象~,痛痒不相关了。(《鲁迅选集》 Ⅲ—16) Because we use the language of the ancients,which the people cannot understand and do not hear,we are like a dish of loose sand—oblivious to each other’s sufferings.
❍ 他们得来的结论是:~。(《毛泽东选集》472) The conclusion the enemy came to was that the Chinese nation is a heap of loose sand.

一盘散沙yi pan san sha

a sheet of loose sand (a state of disunity,formerly said of a country)


heap of loose sand—in a state of disunity or disarray

一盘散沙yī pán sǎn shā

一盘粘合不到一块的沙子。比喻力量分散,也比喻组织涣散,不团结。in a state of disunity, a sheet of loose sand





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