释义 |
一点一滴yī diǎn yī dīa bit here and a bit there;bit by bit; drop by drop; every little bit ❍ 不过书里对这种炸药谈的也很零乱,我就~地学,再把那些片断连贯起来。(吴运铎《把一切献给党》153) …but they seemed to dodge all over the place,and I had to pick things up a bit here and a bit there,and piece them together. ❍ 啊,这一天三遍钟,夜半的宫漏,~,象扯不断的丝那样长。(曹禺《王昭君》14) Three times a day rings the bell;|At night the water clock,drop by drop,|Eternal like a skein of endless silk. 一点一滴every little bit;bit by bit 从~的小事做起start from small details;start from the nuts and bolts 一点一滴yī diǎn yī dī点点滴滴。every little bit, bit by bit |