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单词 forget
forget/fǝ′ɡet, AmE fǝr′-/ v forgot /fǝ′ɡɒt, AmE fər′ɡɑ:t/,forgotten /fǝ′ɡɒtn, AmE fər′ɡɑ:tn/]

(1) 忘记,遗忘(cease or fail to remember;be unable to recall) [I+prep (about),T+nT+thatT+whT+wh-infT+ing] [不用prog]:I didn't go to the meeting because I forgot (all) about it. 我没去开会,因为我完全把这件事忘记了。~sb's name/sb's telephone number/sb's kindness 忘了某人的名字/电话号码/好意;~that sb is coming to dinner/sb doesn't like apples/they are going to the theatre tonight 忘了某人要来吃晚饭/某人不喜欢吃苹果/今晚他们要去看戏;~where he lives/what has happened 忘了他住哪儿/所发生的事情;~how to solve the problem/what to do 忘了该怎么解决这问题/要做什么事;I'll never~seeing the Swiss Alps for the first time/hearing Mary singing the song. 我永远不会忘记第一次看到瑞士的阿尔卑斯山/听玛丽唱那首歌的情景。〖反〗remember,recall;

(2) 1) 忘记(做) (neglect;fail to do sth accidentally) [IT+to-inf]:“What's his name?” “I~. ”“他叫什么?”“我忘了。”I've forgotten to shut the window/to pay the telephone bill/to meet him at the station. 我忘了关窗户/付电话费/去车站接他。~to mention the detail 忘了提及那一细节;2) 忘记(做) (leave sth accidentally) [T+n]:~one's bag in the restaurant 把包丢在餐馆里;I forgot my keys again. 我又忘了带钥匙来了。〖同〗leave behind;

(3) 忘掉(却);不再想 (cease or omit to think of) [I+prep (about),T+nT+that]:F~(all)about her. 把她忘掉吧。Let's~the disagreements/the differences. 咱们忘掉分歧/差别吧。Oh,I still owe you £10. “F~it”! “我还欠你10英镑。”“不用给了。”

(4) 1) 失态(behave in an uncontrolled or unacceptable waywhich is not the way in which you usually behave) [T+n (oneself)]:She completely forgot herself and said some terrible things/criticized her boss to his face. 她完全忘乎所以,说了许多难听的话/当面批评老板。2) 忘我(behave unselfishly) [T+n (oneself)]:He forgot himself when he saw the child fall into the river and dived in to save her. 当他看到那个孩子掉到河里时,便奋不顾身地跳下去救她。

not forgetting 包括:You must all come to tea on Sunday,not~ting the children. 你们星期天一定要来喝茶,别忘了带着孩子们。

→ ′forgetful adj 健忘的;for′getfully adv健忘地;for′getfulness n 健忘;forget-me-′not n 勿忘我草





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