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单词 一扫而光

一扫而光一扫而空yī sǎo ér guāng

clear(/clean/sweep) away; make a clean sweep of;finish off; get rid of sth lock,stock and barrel
❍ 待到傍晚我们上船的时候,这老屋里的所有破旧大小粗细东西,已经一扫而空了。(鲁迅《呐喊·故乡》73) It was nearly evening when we left by boat,and by that time everything in the house,however old or shabby,large or small,fine or coarse,had been cleared away.
❍ 他积压在胸中的愁苦,~。(知侠《铁道游击队》54)The grief and sorrow that had long been weighing on his mind was lifted.
❍ 秋收还未清场,又被孙在涛~,…… (陈登科《活人塘》114) Within one month after the wheat harvest,every household was stripped empty by Sun Zaitao.
❍ 盛佳秀快乐地笑了。这是一种从嫉妒本能产生出来的、对于情敌的可笑行为的幸灾乐祸的情绪。她的一向沉郁的心情,~了。(周立波《山乡巨变》290) Sheng Jiaxiu gave a happy laugh,born of instinctive jealousy and a feeling of malicious joy at the ridiculous behaviour of her rival in love; her usual reserve was submerged in a flood of emotion.
❍ 我在这繁响的拥抱中,也懒散而且舒适,从白天以至初夜的疑虑,全给祝福的空气~了。(《鲁迅选集》上—101) Enveloped in this medley of sound,relaxed and at ease,the doubt which had preyed on me from dawn to early night was swept clean away by the atmosphere of celebration,…/美军顾问的夸奖,使李承义心花怒放。一路上那种焦虑和忐忑不安的心情一扫而空。(杨佩瑾《剑》167) The American adviser’s appreciation filled Li with delight,dispelling all the vexation and apprehensions that had been irritating him so much a moment before.
❍ 群众一旦起来了,你们看,什么样的魑魅魉魉能够不~呵? (杨沫《青春之歌》605) Once the masses are aroused,you’ll see—they’ll make a clean sweep of all these die-hards!/其实他们不单是破坏,而且是扫除,是大呼猛进,将碍脚的旧轨道不论整条或碎片,一扫而空,并非想捏一块废铁古砖挟回家去,预备卖给旧货店。(《鲁迅选集》 Ⅱ—31) Actually they not only destroy but blaze a trail and lead a charge,sweeping aside all the old tracks,whether whole rails or fragments,that got in men’s way,but making no attempt to pick up any scrap iron or ancient bricks to smuggle home in order to sell them later to second-hand dealers./……吴荪甫微笑地回答,脸上的阴沉气色又~了。(茅盾《子夜》189)…smiled Wu sunfu,his look of despondency vanishing abruptly.





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