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单词 一打一拉

一打一拉yī dǎ yī lā

strike and stroke alternately(/by turns); break sb’s head and give him a plaster;hit and wheedle by turns; employ the stick-and-carrot policy; use both hard and soft tactics; whip and wheedle alternately
❍ 这是敌人~,又打又拉的老政策的重演。(《毛泽东选集》762) This is a repeat performance of the enemy’s old policy of using the stick and the carrot,either alternately or simultaneously.
❍ 在反共方面,既要反共,甚至反到皖南事变和一月十七日的命令那种地步,又不愿意最后破裂,依然是~的政策。(《毛泽东选集》740) With regard to their anti-communism,they are opposed to the Communist Party,having gone so far as to create the Southern Anhwei Incident and to issue the Order of January 17,but at the same time they do not want a final split and still maintain their stick-and-carrot policy.

一打一拉yi da yi la

use the stick and the carrot

一打一拉yī dǎ yī lā

形容对待别人采取软和硬的两种手段。use hard and soft tactics, strike and stroke by turns, hit and wheedle by turns





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