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单词 一手包办

一手包办yī shǒu bāo bàn

control sth exclusively;handle entirely; keep everything in one’s own hands;take everything on oneself
❍ 于是看屋,踩田,打计开,写契等等,像煞有介事似的,全由凌尚琴派自己的管庄和管账的~,…… (李六如《六十年的变迁》 Ⅰ—12) The proceedings which followed the transaction such as the examination and delivery of the house and farm,the making of the inventory of property and the handing over of the title-deed were handled entirelyby Ling Shangqin’s steward and book keeper,…

一手包办yi shou bao ban

keep everything in one’s own hands


monopolize;keep everything in one’s own hands;take sole control of

一手包办yī shǒu bāo bàn

形容一个人独揽,不容许他人插手。keep everything in one’s own hands, control exclusively, take everything on oneself

一手包办yī shǒu bāo bàn

指由某人一个人负责办理;也形容某人独断专行,不依靠群众。control exclusively, take everything on oneself, monopolize, keep everything in one’s own hands





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