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单词 forge
forge1/fɔ:dʒ, AmE fɔ:rdʒ/ nv [-s / ɪz/;-d,d/d/;-eing / ɪ ŋ/]

n (1) 铁匠铺,锻造车间(workshop of blacksmith) [C]:take one's plough to the~to be mended 把犁拿到铁匠铺修理一下;

(2) 锻炉(fireplace or furnace in which metal is softened before shaping)[C]:be manufactured in a~在锻炉里加工;〖同〗furnace;

v (1) 1) 锻造,打制(shape (sth) by heating until soft and then pressing and hammering) [T+n]:~horse-shoes/swords/steel 锻造马蹄/剑/钢;〖同〗form,shape,make,produce,manufacture; 2) 建立,锤炼(make or form relationship;create) [T+n] (fig):~a friendship/a link/an alliance with... 建立和……的友谊/联系/同盟;The coach~d the team into a pennant winner. 教练把队伍锤炼成一支优胜队。

(2) 伪造(imitate (handwritinga signatureetc); make false one in order to deceive people) [T+n]:~a check/a will/a passport 伪造支票/遗嘱/护照;~sb's signature on cheques 在支票上伪造某人的签名;〖同〗imitate,copy;

→ ′forging n 锻件;′forger n 伪造(钞票等)的人;′forgery n 伪造(罪);伪造的文件





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