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单词 一干二净

一干二净yī gān èr jìng

❶as clean as a penny(/a whistle/a new pin); clean and tidy;
❷completely; thoroughly
❍ 他把劝人入社的任务,忘得~了。(周立波《山乡巨变》245) He had clean forgotten his task of trying to persuade his host to join the co-operative./“认是认得”。欧阳海也站了起来,“只是你把它们的苦味道忘得~了!” (金敬迈《欧阳海之歌》 303)“Maybe you know their names,”Hai stood up too,“but you’ve completely forgotten how bitter they are.”/而不料过不几天,他竟叫铜匠把它的土花和铜缘擦得~,这才摆在客厅里,闪闪的发着铜光。(《鲁迅选集》Ⅳ—187) But a few days later he got a tinker to rub off every speck of patina,and then he displayed it in his sitting-room,gleaming bright.

一干二净yī ɡān èr jìnɡ

形容一点也不剩;也形容干干净净。thoroughly, as slick as a whistle, as clean as penny, root and branch





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