释义 |
一定❶certainly;surely;necessarily;definitely ❷given;certain;particular ❸proper;due;fair ❹fixed;specified;regular;definite 只要坚持努力,就~能取得胜利。So long as one persists in his efforts,he will certainly succeed./只要加强团结,坚持斗争,他们就~能取得胜利。They are bound (or sure)to win so long as they close their ranks and persist in struggle./只要我们做到这一切,改革就~能成功。Provided we do all this,we shall assuredly succeed in our reform./6点以前,我~回家。I shall definitely be home before six o’clock./如果你们一意孤行,你们是~要失败的。If you cling wilfully to your course,you are doomed to failure (or fail)./我们~要这么做。We are determined to do so./双方立场尚有~距离。There is still a considerable gap between the positions of the two sides./在~的地方at a fixed place/按照~的规格according to specifications/在~的意义上in a certain sense/在~的时期内within a certain (or definite)period/在~的条件下under given conditions/达到~的水平reach a fairly high level/给予~的重视attach due importance to/~规模的经济fair-sized economy |