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单词 一官半职

一官半职yī guān bàn zhí

some official post or other; a job in the service
❍ 可是,象黄先生这样的人,有学问,有能力,他还革什么命啊! 要说革命嘛,还不是为了~!(杨植霖《王若飞在狱中》48)…but for a capable and learned man like Mr Huang,why on earth does he want a revolution? He just wants to be a gov ernment official,that’s all!/把一个朝纲,看看弄得不成模样了,似俺郭子仪,未得~,不知何时,才得替朝廷出力也呵! (洪昇《长生殿》) The government is going to rack and ruin while a man of my calibre still lacks an official post; |Heaven knows how much longer I must wait to serve my country.
❍ 李白虽俊如祢衡而无~,贫如原宪只是一位书生; 因此才下山求出路,想办法糊口。(郭沫若《李白与杜甫》169) So Li Bai had to remain as poor as Yuan Xian,though his endowments matched Mi Heng. He had to leave his seclusion to find a post that would provide a living.
❍ 马道婆道:“你只放心,将来熬的环哥大了,得个~,那时你要做多大功德,还怕不能么?”(《红楼梦》292)“Don’t you worry about that! ”said Mother Ma. “You only have to hold out a few more years. When your Huan has grown up and got himself a job in the Service,you’ll be able to afford all the good works you want. ”/想到自己是“九死一生”的“北伐英雄”,竟然混不到~,就一肚子火。(高云览《小城春秋》218) When he thought of the fact that in spite of his “valorous exploits” he hadn’t been rewarded with even half an official post,Zhao Xiong seethed with indignation.
❍ 倘得~,显亲扬名,封妻荫子,光耀门闾,乃儿之志也。特此禀告母亲前去。(《西游记》106) …if I manage to acquire an appointment,or even half a post,I would become more of a credit to my parents,magnify our name,give my wife a title,benefit my son,and bring glory to this house of ours. Such is the aspiration of your son: I wish to tell my mother plainly before I leave.

一官半职yī ɡuān bàn zhí

形容得到不重要的职位。an official post, some official post or other





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