释义 |
一团糟yī tuán zāoa complete mess; a chaotic state; utter chaos ❍ 头儿胡行于上,蚁民乱碰于下,结果是各人的门前都不成样,各家的瓦上也~。(鲁迅《南腔北调集·谚语》108) The bosses do what they feel like at the top,and the little men mill about beneath,till everyone’s doorstep is in a shocking state,and everyone’s roof is a mess. 一团糟yi tuan zaocomplete mess 一团糟complete mess;chaos;muddle 政府不得不驳斥如下指责:它的经济政策~。The Government had to fight off charges that its economic policy was in tatters./岛内乱成~。The island was in total chaos (or a shambles)./把近来的美元危机弄得~bungle the latest dollar crisis |