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单词 一人拼命,万夫莫敌

一人拼命,万夫莫敌一人拼命,万人莫当;一人拼命,万夫莫当yī rén pīn mìng , wàn fū mò dí

ten thousand men are no match for one desperado; ten thousand men cannot stop one willing to sell his life dearly
❍ 地下的人虽多,那里挡得住,自古说的:“~。”(《红楼梦》1322) The maids,for all there were so many of them,were powerless to stop them,for as the saying goes,“The thousand men are no match for one desperado. ”/大丈夫敢勇当先,一人拼命,万夫难当。(《关汉卿戏剧集·关大王独赴单刀会》249) When a hero marches forward and braves death,even ten thousand foes cannot stand against him.
❍ 古人说,一人拼命,万人莫敌,何况你们所带的全是精兵,又是轻骑,毫无拖累,突围定能成功。(姚雪垠《李自成》Ⅰ—245)The ancients said that ten thousand men cannot stop one willing to sell his life dearly. Not to say these will all be good troops,without impediments; so they are bound to succeed in breaking through.





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