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单词 force
force/fɔ:s, AmE fɔ:rs/ n [-s / ɪz/];v [-s / ɪz/]

n (1) 1) 影响力,势力(power to influenceaffect or control) [U]:the~of sb's character/sb's personality 某人性格/品格的影响力;by~of circumstances 环境的影响力;~of will/law/ sb's writing 意志力/法律的影响力/某人文章的影响力;a powerful~in world affairs 在世界事务中强大的影响力;〖同〗energy,power,strength,attraction;2) 具有影响力的人(事):(personthing that has great power) [C]:a powerful (great)~in the Peace Movement/Labour Party 在和平运动中/工党里具有强大(很大)势力的人;the~of an appeal 号召力;the~s of evil/destruction/nature 邪恶势力/毁灭力/自然力;the powerful economic/main political~s 强大的经济力量/主要的政治势力;(from/out of)~of habit (出于)习惯势力;

(2) 兵力,部队(organized body of armed and specially trained people;military unitconsidered to be a source of power) [CGp]:the tank/military/guerrilla~坦克部队/军事力量/游击队;the land/sea/armed/peace-keeping~s 陆军/海军/武装/维和部队;〖同〗army,unit;

(3) 组,队(group of people organized for a purposeavailable for service) [CGp]:a small~of doctors and nurses 一小组医生和护士;a large labour~ 大批劳动力;a sales~销售小组;〖同〗group,body,team,unit;

(4) 1) 力,气(体)力(physical strengthpoweror energy) [U]:use much~to do sth 用大力气做某事;shove with all one's~竭尽全力推;the~of collision/explosion 碰撞力/爆炸力;break the~of sth 减小或削弱某物的撞击力;〖同〗power,might,strength,energy;〖反〗 weakness;2) 武(暴)力(violent physical actionpowerpressure) [U]:take money from sb/put down the rebellion/obtain a confession by~用武力抢某人的钱/镇压叛乱/获得招供;renounce the use of~to settle the disputes 同意不再使用武力来解决争端;〖同〗violence;

(5) 力((in physics;in scientific use) the pulling or pushing effect that sth has on sth else) [CU]:magnetic~s 磁力;the~of gravity 地心引力;

(6) 大自然的力量(如风、雨等) (power of the natural elements;strength of sth) [C]:The~of the storm caused great damage. 那场暴风雨造成了巨大的破坏。the~s of nature 自然力;

(7) (法律)效(威)力(legal effectiveness) [U]:The contract was of no~. 这份合同不具法律效力。bring sth into~(使法律、规章制度)生效;come into~开始实施;

in force 1) 大批(群):The police were at the football match in~. 大批警察在足球比赛现场。2) (法律、规章)有(生)效:That regulation is no longer in~. 那项规章不再有效。

v (1) 迫使,强使(迫) (make (sb/ oneself/ sth) do sthgo somewhereetcoften against his willetc) [T+n+prepC+n+to-inf]:~acceptance of sth 强迫接受某物;~the manager into resigning 迫使经理辞职;~thousands of peasants into one's army 迫使成千上万的农民加入自己的部队;~the food into one's mouth 把食物硬塞到某人口中;~the manager to resign 迫使经理辞职;~the suspect to confess 迫使嫌疑犯坦白;~the leader to adopt the policy 迫使领导采用这项政策;~oneself to speak to sb 强迫自己和某人说话;~one's ideas/one's will on sb 强迫某人接受自己的想法/意愿;~sb's hand 逼迫某人行动(或表态);~d labour 强迫劳动;~d landing 迫降,强行着陆;~d march (急)行军;〖同〗oblige,compel,make,require,drive;

(2) 强行,推动(drive or propel against resistance) [T+nT+n+prepT+n+adv]:~an entry 强行进入;~one's way through the thorn hedge 披荆斩棘开出一条路;try to~clothes into a bag/a foot into a slipper 把衣服硬塞进包里/将脚硬伸进拖鞋里;~water into the pipe 用力使水进入管子中;~a way in/out/through 强行闯入/挤出/挤过去;〖同〗 drive,thrust,press,push;

(3) 强行打开(cause to openesp by breaking or using strength) [T+nC+n+adj]:He had forgotten his key and had to~the door. 他忘了带钥匙,只得把门砸开。~a safe/a lock/a window open 把保险箱/锁/窗户砸开;〖同〗break;

(4) 强作,勉强作出(bring on or bring about through effort or pressure) [T+n]:~a smile/a laugh despite his grief 尽管很悲痛,但他强作笑颜/欢笑;~d laughter 强颜欢笑;~several notes 勉强唱了(弹了)几个音符;

(5) 促成(植物等)早熟(cause (fruitplantsetc) to grow or bloom rapidly by artificial means) [T+n]:~flowers/plants in a greenhouse 促使温室里的花/植物早熟;

force back (v adv)强忍(vt):~back one's tears 强忍住自己的眼泪;

force down (v adv) 1) 强咽下(vt):manage to~sth down 尽力把某物咽下; 2)强行着陆 (vt):They~d the plane down. 他们强行使飞机着陆。


【辨异】 forcestrengthpowermight 都指做某事的能力,某人的能力等。force一般指能力的运用,如:have the force of appeal (具有号召力); 另外,force 也含有释放出的力对物体的影响力,如:The car was completely wrecked by the force of the collision. (这辆车完全被撞毁了。) strength (力量)一般指内在固有的能力,如:I haven't the strength to carry you. (我没有能力驮你。) power (能力、权力)一般指做工作的能力或表现力,如:One has the power to fulfill the task. (这个人有能力完成这项任务。) might (权力、能力)在很大程度上指的是一种权力,有时也指做事的能力,如:the might of an army (军队的威力)。

→′force-feed v 强迫进食;′forceful adj 有力的;断言的;′forcefulness n 坚强;说服力;′forcefully adv 坚强地;有说服力地;′forcible adj 强行的;有力的;′forcibly adv 强行;有力地





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