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单词 top
释义 词性词形谱(v)top(n)top topping toplessness topper(a)top topless topmost topfull topped toppy(ad)tops toppingly
top 义务阶段1500 全国卷频次:42
n.&v. tops 2tops 0 topping 0 topped 1
顶部,(物体的)上面 &


They continued to climb until they reached the old temple at the 【top】 of the mountain.他们继续攀登,直到到达山顶上的古庙。(2007年安徽卷完形填空)He began to jump up and down, as high as he could, at the 【top】 of each jump stretching his arms to get the apple.他开始上蹿下跳,越跳越高,每次跳到最高点时都伸长手臂去拿苹果。(2011年江苏卷完形填空)However, of all the factors, wealth and age are the top two.然而,在所有因素中,财富和年龄是排在前两位的。I wish I had known earlier that you could have a career, even if you aren’t top of the class at school.我真希望我能早点知道,即使你在学校不是班里的尖子生,你也可以有自己的事业。I have a rule for my daughter: be among the top 5 students or get punished in one way or another.我给女儿定了个规矩:必须是前五名的学生,否则就会受到这样或那样的惩罚。This fishing village of 1,480 people is a bleak and lonely place, even in a country located at the top of the world.这个只有1480人的渔村是一个凄凉而孤独的地方,即使是在一个位于世界之巅的国家。He has taken on a vast topic: thousands of years, two huge continents, and cultures.他承担了一个庞大的课题:数千年、两块巨大的大陆和文化。I sent the photo of the cream-colored flower to my computer and typed the poem on top of it.我把乳白色花朵的照片传到电脑上,并在上面打下了这首诗。Still we must climb and dream about what’s at the top of our mountain.我们仍然必须攀登,梦想着山顶上的东西。The peak of his school career came not when he topped the school but when he was selected for the nationwide competition.他学习生涯的顶峰不是在全校第一名,而是被选中参加全国比赛。




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