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单词 fix
fix/fɪks/ vt [-es / ɪz/]; n

vt (1) 使固定,安装(place or fasten securely) [T+n+prep]:~a post in the ground 把杆子固定在地上;~a handle to a cupboard door 给碗橱的门安装把手;~a lid on the box 盖上盒盖;~the blame on sb (fig) 将过错推到某人头上;~a microphone in the hall 在厅里安装扩音器;~a principle/a name/a date in one's mind 将原理/姓名/日期记在心中;〖同〗fasten,attach;

(2) 注视,盯住,专注于(direct or hold steadily (one's eyesattentionetc);look at with a steady gaze) [T+n+prep(on)]:~one's eyes on the screen 眼睛盯着屏幕;He~es his attention/his thought on what the old man is doing. 他专心致志地注视着那个老人的行动。His eyes were~ed on the picture. 他的目光注视着那幅画。The girl~ed me with an angry stare. 那个女孩子愤怒地盯着我。

(3) 决(确)定(settle definitely;decide;determine) [T+n]:~a time for the meeting 确定开会日期;The operation was~ed for Monday. 手术定在星期一进行;~the price at three dollars/the rent 10 pounds a month 定价三美元/房租为每月10英镑;〖同〗 set,settle,decide,determine,establish;

(4) 修理(set right;mend or repair) [T+n]:~a watch 修理手表;He succeeded in~ing my car. 他修好了我的汽车。get a radio~ed 将收音机修好;The machine needs~ing. 那台机器需要修理。〖同〗 repair,regulate;

(5) 整理(put in order;adjust) [T+n]:~one's hair/one's bed/one's room 梳理头发/整理床铺/收拾房间;

(6) 安排(arrange) [T+nT+n+adv(up)]:~(up) a meeting/a visit to the theatre/a match for the next season 安排一个会议/去剧场看戏/为下个赛季安排比赛;

(7) 准备(prepare) [T+nD+n+nD+n+prep (for)] (尤 AmE):Who is going to~dinner/a snack/a drink for us? 谁为我们准备晚饭/快餐/饮料? Will you~us something to eat? 你能给我们弄点吃的吗? 〖同〗 prepare,make;

(8) 作弊,贿赂,用不正当手段操纵(prearrange the outcome of (sth) by unfair or unlawful means) [T+n,尤 pass] (infml):~a horse race 操纵赛马;~the judge 贿赂法官;The jury has been~ed. 陪审团被收买了。

(9) 收拾;报仇(get even with;take revenge upon) [T+n] (infml):“I'll~him,” she said in a rage. “我要收拾他,” 她愤怒地说道。

fix on (v adv) 选(确)定 (vt):We~ed on her as our new secretary. 我们选她作我们的新秘书。Have you~ed on a date for the party yet? 聚会的日期你定下来没有?

fix up (v adv) 1) 修理 (vt):~up a room for the guest 为客人收拾房间;2) 确定,安排:We'd better~up a time that suits everybody. 我们最好定一个对大家都合适的时间。

fix up (with) (v adv) 给……提供 (vt):Can you~me up with a bike for this afternoon? 你能在今天下午给我搞到一辆自行车吗?

fix sb with sth 盯着看:He~ed me with a hostile look. 他用充满敌意的目光盯着我。

→′fixable adj 可固定的;′fixate v 使固定;注(凝)视;fi′xation n 固定;′fixative n 固定(色)剂;定影剂;′fixed adj 固(确)定的;′fixer n 固定器,代为安排的人;′fixing n 固定,安装,修理;′fixity n 固(稳)定性;′fixture n 固定装置(物);

n (1) 困(窘)境(difficult situation;awkward state of affairs)[C,通常 sing](infml):He got himself into a bad~. 他使自己陷入困境。I'm now in a terrible~. 我现在极为窘迫。〖同〗difficulty,mess;

(2) (船只,飞机等的)定方位(positionas of a ship or aircraftdetermined by observations or by radio;determining of such a position) [C]:take a~on the sun 对着太阳确定方位;

(3) 勾当,搞鬼,舞弊(sth arranged dishonestly or illegally) [Ua~] (infml):His appointment as chairman was a~. 他被任命为主席是操纵的结果。

(4) (吗啡或海洛因的)注射(injection of morphine or heroin) [C] (sl):He's just had/got himself a~. 他刚刚为自己注射了一针吗啡。

【辨异】 fixestablishsettle 的区别见 ESTABLISH。





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