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单词 fit
fit1/fɪt/ v [-tt-;-ed,-ed / ɪd/,AmE also fit,fit];adj [-tt-;-er/-est];n

v (1) 1) 适合,合身(be the proper size and shape for (sb or sth)) [IT+n]:“Does the shoe/jacket~you?” “Yes,it~s (me)very well. ” “那双鞋/那件夹克衫你穿着合适吗?” “(我穿着)非常合适。” The door~s badly. 这扇门关不严。The lid/key doesn't~(the kettle/lock). 那只壶盖/那把钥匙不合适。~a key in a lock 给锁配钥匙;〖同〗 match; 2) 试穿(衣服) (try (clothing) on sb in order to make or try to make it fit) [T+n+prep(for),尤 pass]:I have to go to the tailor to be~ted for the new coat/to have my new coat~ted. 我必须到裁缝那里为新上衣量体。

(2) 使合身(make or try to make suit;adjust) [T+n]:~the dress to the figure 量体裁衣;It's difficult to~him—he's so fat. 他太胖了,所以很难有合身的衣服。The tailor~ted the suit on him. 裁缝给他量体裁衣。〖同〗adjust,suit,adapt,shape;

(3) 大小适合装入(某物);有足够的地方容纳某物(be of the right size to go somewhere;have enough space for sth in a place) [I+advI+prepT+n+adv(in),T+n+prep(into)]:The photo~s nicely into the envelop. 那张照片恰好可以装进信封。The cabin is so small that only four people can~in. 那间小屋太小了,只能进去四个人。can~ten chairs in/into a room 可以将10把椅子放进去/放进房间里;

(4) 安装或装上(某物) (supply with what is needed and put it into place) [T+nT+n+prep (on/to/with)]:My brother~ted my new cooker. 我弟弟帮我装好新炉具。~a lock on the door 给门安上锁;~number plates to the front and rear of a car 将号码牌安装在汽车的前部及尾部;~a new piece of glass in the window 给窗户装上新玻璃;~a cupboard with shelves/a room with a carpet 给碗橱配上搁板/在屋子里铺上地毯;

(5) 装上,装配(join one thing to another to make a whole) [T+nT+n+ prep (onto/to),T+n+adv (together)]:~the pieces of a machine together 将机器的零件组装起来;

(6) 符合(be in keeping with;match;suit) [IT+n]:These observations~in nicely with my theory. 这些观察记录与我的理论非常一致。make the punishment~the crime 使罪行能得到应有的惩罚;His speech~ted the occasion well. 他的讲话非常适合当时的场合。The facts do not~your theory. 事实与你的理论不符。

(7) (使)合格,(使)胜任(make sboneself or sth qualified or competentas for an officetask or function) [T+nT+n+prep (for),C+n+to-inf]:His qualifications/experience~(s) him well for the job/to do the job. 他的资格/经验使他足以胜任/做好那项工作。~oneself for a new task 使自己能够担当一项新的任务;

fit like a glove 1) 极为(正好)合身:The new dress~ted her like a glove. 那件新连衣裙她穿着极为合身。2) 恰好:The description~s him like a glove. 对他的描述恰如其分。

fit in (v adv) 给……安排时间 (vt):Can you~me in this morning? 你今天上午能给我安排一下时间吗?

fit sb/sth into sth 给……安排时间:Sorry,Doctor Smith can't~in any more visits today. 抱歉,史密斯大夫今天不能再安排其他的病人了。

fit in (with) (v adv) 与……协调(配合) (vt):The house~s in beautifully with the surroundings. 那所房子与周围的环境十分协调。The boy~ted in well with his new friends. 那个男孩子和他的新朋友们相处得很融洽。

fit out/up (with) (v adv) 装(配)备 (vt):The car has been~ted out with a new engine. 这汽车装配了一台新的发动机。He had his new house~ted up with every labour-saving device. 他给新房子安装了各种节省体力的装置。

→′fitable adj 适(合)宜的,恰当的;′fitter n 装配者;裁缝;′fitting adj 适(恰)当的;n 试穿;装置;零配件;′fittingly adv 适(恰)当地;′fittingness n 适(恰)当;

adj (1) 适合(宜)的(well adapted for a purpose;suitable) [A(for),A+to-inf] [通常作pred]:This man is not~for the job. 这个人不适合做这项工作。She's not~to be a member of the club/to live by herself. 她不适合做那个俱乐部的会员/独自生活。〖同〗suitable,adapted,appropriate,right,proper;〖反〗unfit,unsuitable,inappropriate,improper;

(2) 几乎……要,就要……(liable or likely) [A+to-inf] [通常作pred] (infml):He walked until he was~to drop. 他一直走下去直到感觉疲惫不堪。laugh~to burst (oneself) 笑得肚子都快破了;

(3) 健康的,身体好的(physically sound;healthy) [A (for),A+to-inf]:keep/stay~保持健康;get~for the marathon 练好身体参加马拉松比赛;I'm not feeling very~. 今天我感觉身体不太好。Exercises will make you~. 锻炼会使你身体健康。I'm~enough to run twice that distance. 我的身体很好,能跑两个那么长的距离。You should be~again in a day or two. 一两天之后你就会重新好起来的。You look~ter than I've ever seen you. 我从来没见过你像现在这么健康。〖同〗healthy,well,strong;

(4) 恰(正)当的(right;appropriate) (fml):It is~that we should give thanks. 我们应该致谢。〖同〗suitable,acceptable,seemly,becoming;

as fit as a fiddle 身体非常健康:My grandfather was almost eighty years old but as~as a fiddle. 我的爷爷已经快80岁了,但身体仍然非常好。

see/think fit 认为……合适:You may do what you think~. 你可以做你认为恰当的事情。We can discuss the matter tomorrow,if you see~. 如果你认为合适,我们明天来讨论这件事。

→′fitly adj 适合地,恰当地;′fitness n 健康;

n 适合;合身(the way in which sthesp an article of clothing fits) [Ua~] (前面通常有形容词):The trousers are a perfect/a good/a poor/a bad/a loose~. 那条裤子非常合身/十分合身/不合适/很瘦/很宽松。





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